Page 56 of The Broken Prince
“But they may not. Why would they make an arduous journey for someone else’s battle? I’m not holding my breath on that. And a single vampire isn’t enough to defeat their forces. I’m just being practical here.”
She looked away, her arms crossed over her chest.
“We can’t go to war without a viable plan. Trenches and arrows…it’s a fucking joke.”
General Macabre stared at the surface of the table.
“I have no other choice but to go.”
“Huntley made it very clear he wants you to stay here,” Mother said. “As do I.”
“Well, that’s too bad,” I said. “I’ve been there before. It’s better than someone who’s unfamiliar with the east. And if I get captured, I’ll never talk…and someone else might. The less they know about us, the better.”
Mother was furious, her eyes like daggers. “You would defy your king.”
“I would defy the fucking gods,” I snapped, “if it meant I could protect my family.” I slammed my hand on the table and made it shake. “Mother, leave us.”
She stilled, shocked by the order.
“Leave us,” I repeated.
“You’re not the king, Ian,” she said coldly.
“I’m as good as,” I said as I met her gaze. “Since Huntley appointed me as his successor if he’s killed.”
“That job belongs to Ivory—”
“In a time of peace, not war. Ivory is strong and brave, but she would be inconsolable if she lost Huntley to our enemies. And neither she nor her children would be able to carry on if that were to transpire. Now leave us—so I can speak to my general in private.”
Mother’s eyes flashed in hostility, but she didn’t speak.
“You may not think I’m worthy of the crown, but your favorite son does.”
All her anger disappeared at the insult. Her eyes immediately softened, like those words cut through her. “Ian—”
“Leave.” I wouldn’t look at her, wanting to be rid of her presence as quickly as possible.
After a pause, she walked out and left us, the guard closing the door after her departure.
I stared at the table for a moment, doing my best to let the rage simmer before I regarded General Macabre beside me. “You’ve been reinstated to your position due to our current circumstances, because the perseverance of HeartHolme is more important than your transgression. I won’t ask you to kneel and plead for my forgiveness. I ask us to fight together to protect the good people of this glorious kingdom, to shed our blood together and let it seep into the soil as we sacrifice our lives for those we love.”
He was distinctly guarded as he studied me, but as he heard me speak, that sheathed hostility began to wane. His eyes turned receptive rather than cold. “It would be an honor to fight alongside you, Steward Ian. And to give our lives for those we’ve sworn to protect.”
“Then let’s move forward and put aside our differences.”
He nodded in agreement.
The air in the room changed with that single word.
“Avice is my wife—and I will behead you myself in the town square and hang your body outside the castle if you come near her again. If you speak to her. If you so much as fucking look at her. Do we understand each other, General?”
His eyes were guarded once more, the anger deep inside. “Yes, m’lord.”
I continued to stare him down, furious that he had the opportunity to sleep beside the woman whose soul was bound to mine. The fact that he got to touch her the way I’d touched her. Kiss her the way I’d kissed her. If we weren’t at war, I probably would have handled this situation much differently. “Then let’s get to work.”
* * *