Page 98 of The Broken Prince
“And it’s possible that Ian tripped and broke his leg, invisible behind a pile of rubble.” I didn’t want to hope for more and be disappointed.
Avice walked inside at that moment, her face pale like she was already anticipating the horrible news. Her eyes went to Jeremiah, and that was when the tears formed in her eyes. “No…” Her hand cupped her mouth, and she stifled a sob.
Ivory rushed to her and held her tightly before she ushered her out of the room to share the news in private.
I was the King of Kingdoms in the middle of a war that could kill us all, but now my brother had been taken…and all I wanted to do was go to him. I’d promised I would never leave my family again, but Ian was my family too. “Someone fetch Aurelias. I need to speak to him immediately.”
Harlow was the one who left.
I stood there as I listened to Avice cry from down the hallway.
When I glanced at my mother, I saw her display the greatest restraint, keeping her face tight so her bottom lip wouldn’t tremble. Her eyes were determined, but the rest of her body worked hard to betray the command. She wanted to grieve, but the queen in her refused to allow it.
No one spoke as we waited for Aurelias to join us.
I stood there, staring at the entry to the hallway, thinking about all the duties I needed to execute simultaneously. Now I had to decide where my loyalties lay—with my family or my people.
Ivory returned to the room and escorted Avice to a chair, tissues in her hand.
Pale as a ghost, Avice sat there, blood drained from her face.
General Macabre didn’t look at her.
A moment later, Harlow returned, Aurelias entering behind her, dressed the same way I was—like he was ready for war. His eyes locked on mine as he approached, but he said nothing, waiting for an order to be issued.
Ivory returned to my side, knowing decisions were about to be made.
I stared at the vampire, my former enemy turned ally. “There’s only one right decision. My duty is to my people above all else. My brother made his choice, against my orders, and he should face the consequences of that decision. I know this fully, but nonetheless, I choose the wrong decision. I must travel to the east and rescue my brother, because I don’t trust anyone else has the ability to do this besides me. I choose my blood over my people, and even though I’m full of shame at my selfishness, it doesn’t change my decision.” This decision meant I would have to leave my family once again, but I couldn’t abandon my brother. He would never abandon me. “Ivory is my successor, and while she’s capable of running a kingdom without me, this is a war unlike any we’ve ever seen. I know she would agree with me that HeartHolme needs a protector in my stead. I’d like that to be you, Aurelias.”
His eyes remained on mine for seconds, but they eventually dropped, his jaw hardening as he considered the offer. “I watched Queen Rolfe face her enemy with more courage than the soldiers who served her. I watched her wield a sword against creatures that should have crushed her from the beginning, but she held on longer than anyone would ever expect. I watched her sacrifice her life for her people without a second thought. I decline your offer.”
I was too touched by his compliment to care about his rejection. There was only one way to get to my heart, and that was through my wife. I loved my children because she’d given them to me. I respected any man who respected her.
“However, I promise to serve Queen Rolfe fully, to provide whatever she needs to succeed, whether that’s my advice or my sword. I will protect your family like it’s my own—and I will die for your family like it’s my own.”
* * *
I shoved the essentials into my pack and threw it over my shoulder. The things I couldn’t live without were already on my body, my sword, my axe, and my daggers. The armor was specifically designed by my sister for me to wear, and it required more materials than any other set she’d created. It was fire-resistant, and, as a result, it was heavy.
But it would keep me alive.
Ivory hadn’t said a word to me. She followed me from room to room, watching me gather my things, pack for a trip I might never return from, all while looking as white as snow. When I had everything, there was nothing else to do but walk out to the field where the dragons and everyone else were waiting.
I stood there, dreading the words about to be spoken. “I’m tired of having this conversation.” I turned around to face her.
Her arms were crossed over her chest, and her eyes were dead. “As am I.”
I stared at her, waiting for her to look at me.
She didn’t.
“I have to do this.”
She inhaled a deep breath, her eyes watering slightly. “I know…”
“I promised I would never leave you again—”
“Ian is my brother as much as he’s yours.” She lifted her chin and looked at me. “I release you from your promise, Huntley. But please…” She closed her eyes, and that made the tears streak. “Don’t die.”