Page 10 of Clash of Kingdoms
Aurelias gave a slight grin. “He more than plays cards. He’s undefeated.”
Fang slipped his tongue in and out as he stared at me.
“Wow,” I said. “That’s pretty impressive.”
“He’s not exactly humble about it. Larisa thinks he cheats.”
Fang turned to Aurelias and hissed, exposing his razor-sharp fangs.
“As fun as that sounds, I don’t know how to play,” I said.
Aurelias finished piecing his armor together before he took a seat at the edge of the bed. “I’ll give you a short rundown.” He shuffled the cards quickly then showed me the different kinds of cards, the dragons, the types of fangs, the swords, and the poisons. “Each combination of cards creates a unique number. Whoever has the higher number wins.” He showed me the rules for trading out the cards and the strategy behind it.
“I’ve never heard of this game.”
“Good luck.” He prepared to move away.
I grabbed him by the vambrace and tugged him back toward me, forcing his mouth to mine for a hard kiss.
His hand automatically dug into my hair, and he deepened a kiss that was already hard, like if he had it his way, he would be back in that bed with me…and Fang would be kicked out.
“I love you.” I said it against his mouth, treasuring the fact that I got to say it at all. I didn’t have to hide my feelings. I didn’t have to sheathe my emotions. I could be myself, completely and utterly, and I wanted to embrace every moment before there were no more moments.
He said it back, his eyes locked on mine. “I love you too.”
I sat across from Lila at the bar, her eyes dimmed in darkness. She brought the glass of wine to her lips and took a drink before she swirled it once more.
“My father will bring him back.”
She continued to stare at the glass.
“You know he will.”
Her eyes lifted again, and she released a sigh. “I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”
“You can say hello when you see him.”
“You aren’t terrified for your father?”
Oh, I was fucking terrified. “I know he’ll be back.” Aurelias had faith in him, and I needed to share that faith as well.
“I feel so guilty for the way I treated him.”
“It was a complicated situation.”
“We both know I was a bitch.” She took another drink.
“Well, I had no idea all this was going on in the first place.”
“I always looked at my father as a hero. A man who could do no wrong. Who had so much integrity and honesty, but he’s human like the rest of us. I guess that was the hardest part, picturing my father as one of the sleazebags I’ve come across.”
My mother had told me what happened. “He wasn’t a sleazebag.”
“I know that now…since I actually listened to him. I apologized. But I lost all that time with him because of my behavior.”
“He doesn’t hold it against you, Lila.” My father adored me, no matter what. There was nothing I could do or say to change his love. Uncle Ian was the same way. “When he comes back, he can tell you himself.”
She drank from her glass then asked the barmaiden to get her another. “What’s new with you? Other than demons and evacuations.”