Page 50 of Clash of Kingdoms
“But you accept her now,” Kingsnake said. “You love her now.”
“And I understand you’re intimidated by a strong, confident, sexy woman,” Cobra said with a smirk. “My baby was a queen, for fuck’s sake. It’ll take some time for you to rise to her level, you know what I mean?”
I knew Cobra was just giving me a way out, even when I didn’t deserve it. “Nonetheless, it feels wrong to ask you to do this. But I can’t do it alone.”
“You didn’t ask,” Kingsnake said. “We volunteered.”
“What about Harlow?” Cobra asked. “If the three of us are gone, who will protect her?”
I couldn’t be everywhere at once. And I couldn’t return to the crystal without other vampires to flank me. “Larisa, Clara, and Fang will look after her.”
“Fang might want to come with us,” Kingsnake said. “Ever since I told him about Beast, he’s been fascinated.”
Cobra grinned. “The little guy is always looking for action.”
“Well, I don’t think action is possible with Beast,” I said. “The scale alone would make it impossible.”
“I think he wants to see for himself, nonetheless,” Kingsnake said. “He’s always liked a strong woman…”
I felt her long before she stepped into the room. Her anger was like a hungry fire, growing bigger with every log that was added. I sat at the large table with my back to her, my glass of scotch in front of me.
She drew closer, her bare feet changing in sound once they hit the rug. “You would rather drink alone all night than come to me?”
My eyes remained fixed on the glass, the amber contents nearly gone. “I’m still angry.”
“So am I,” she snapped. “But no amount of anger would ever make me want to be apart from you.” Her footsteps headed in the opposite direction. The door closed behind her, and then the castle was silent.
I finished off the rest of the glass before I followed her into our chambers. When I stepped inside, she stood on her side of the bed, dropping the white nightgown and revealing the beautiful skin I’d kissed countless times. Her tits were out, nipples high and proud, and her long hair framed her shoulders in the sexiest way.
My anger vanished at the sight of her.
She pulled back the covers and slipped between the sheets before she blew out the candle on her nightstand. The fire continued in the hearth, but it was slowly dying, plunging the room into darkness.
I undressed then got into bed beside her, my hand immediately gliding over her body because I couldn’t resist the softness of her flesh. My lips kissed her shoulder and then her neck as my arm circled her soft belly. I pulled her into me, letting her feel my hard dick right between her cheeks. She was the only woman who could sheathe my anger like the scabbard over my sword.
I’d never craved a woman without craving her flesh, without longing for a taste of her blood. But with Harlow, not only did I not want it, I despised it. My fangs were never tempted to protrude, and when her pulse vibrated against my mouth, I felt absolutely nothing.
All because I loved her.
From the moment I’d met her, I didn’t crave it. And it made me wonder if I’d always loved her, since that first night we were together.
She wouldn’t roll over to face me, giving me the cold shoulder despite the invitation to bed.
I continued to kiss her as I tugged her into my body. Then I hooked my arm underneath her thigh and hoisted her leg up, opening her from the side so I could guide my hips where they needed to be and push my head into the wet flesh waiting for me.
My cock twitched when it felt her wet kiss, and I pushed forward to sink farther inside, gripped by her tightness.
Her breathing instantly changed, and all the anger she felt evaporated like water in a hot pan. Her little body took all of me and she reached behind herself to grab my ass, to tug me closer because she liked the way it hurt.
I propped my knee and thrust inside her, taking her in a position I hadn’t before, sheathed in the cream that she made for me. My arm slid underneath her neck and turned her head to face me, so our eyes would lock as our wet bodies moved together.
She cupped the side of my face and kissed me, her fingers sliding into the hair at the back of my head. Our bodies suddenly slowed down, grinding together rather than thrusting, savoring the feeling of our touches and kisses.
I spoke against her mouth, one hand on her perfect tit. “I’m sorry…”
She breathed into my mouth, her hips grinding back against me. “I’m sorry too.”