Page 21 of Fight
The dick fungus’ information isn’t even correct.
“Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as if you have a great leash on your men. Are you sure you’re not too old for this job?” I ask him, ignoring the way Gabriel chokes on his own spit.
My scent match is fucking missing and hurt if I’m to judge from the blood at the car wreck site, so I’m short on patience at the moment. Tommy has to be in his late thirties if that, but I’m not above being petty right now, regardless of how bad for my health it may be. My hand fists in frustration, though the mob boss in front of me has muscles on his muscles.
I just hate everyone and everything right now, which is dangerous for me. When I throw away caution, run my mouth, and say fuck it all, I know shit is going to get wild.
Jasper, who I spoke to various times on the phone to organize for the fundraiser for Omega’s Haven, leans against the wall of the office quietly listening to us. Or, he may be bored, I don’t know enough about him to know. The point is, no one is upset enough about this. It’s time to make them pay attention.
“Arthur came into Club Serene a few days ago and was all over one of our cage dancers,” I growl. “We are most definitely not a titty bar. We are a safe place for our employees and club patrons. Cerenity had him banned from the place, as is her right as a business owner. He talked a lot of shit about how he was going to fuck up my girl. Our place is neutral ground and under protection by several groups, including yours. Are you breaking that agreement? Should I speak to Pack Mohan about this instead?”
I throw out Wren’s pack name because I’m desperate, and I’m not getting any traction under my own steam. I’m a club manager, a nobody, but Cerenity has powerful fucking friends. I’m not against using their names.
Tommy straightens as he listens, eyebrow raising as his arms lean on his desk.
“A chick fucked up Arthur? Club Serene sounds familiar, but I don’t know why. Also, don’t think I didn’t hear the threat in your tone, boy. I’m not too old to break your bones and feed them to the pigs,” he grunts as he glances over at Jasper.
“No one needs to threaten anyone,” Jasper mutters. “Aisling and Wren had their fundraiser there. We were there, old man.”
It doesn’t sound mean when he says it, and Tommy smirks as he rolls his eyes.
“Cerenity was the omega who introduced my sister and Aisling during the event to speak before Wren had to leave,” Jasper continues. I heard after the fact that Wren had her heat during the event and that’s why she left early.
The girl is made of steel to have been able to endure the fundraiser in that kind of condition. She has my respect, because she smiled as if nothing was bothering her.
Fuck, that reminds me that Cerenity goes into heat in the next two weeks. I have to find her.
“I’m just trying to make sure I understand all the facts, since as you pointed out, I’m missing some,” Tommy drawls. I think he’s being purposely obtuse right now. “Arthur came in here with a completely different story, so I told him to do what he had to.”
Even Jasper’s eyes widen as he straightens, and Gabriel gasps.
“Boss, tell me you didn’t,” Gabriel groans. “I’ve heard stories about how much of an asshole he is. My sister says he goes into the restaurant she works at and enjoys terrorizing whatever waitress serves his table.”
“Why haven’t you told me that?” Tommy asks, frowning.
“Letty refuses to take his order and the manager makes her work late washing dishes. Trust me, it’s better than serving him. He’s a wild card, and you have no idea what he’s capable of when someone says ‘no’,” Gabriel says, shaking his head.
Damnit. He didn’t tell me about that either. Glaring at Gabriel, he simply shrugs. Right, none of my business. I’ll table that for another day. We all have our shit that we don’t like to talk about.
“Fuck, okay. Look, I really haven’t heard from Arthur since he was last here,” Tommy says apologetically. “Is she really your girl? You should know where she is if she is.”
He’s talking about the bond, but even if we were bonded, there are cases where that wouldn’t work. “Cere is my best friend, and practically family. We’ve worked together and have been roommates as well. She’s as mine as anyone can be,” I explain.
“Her car is upended in an intersection because someone crashed into it with her in it. There’s glass and blood all over the place, and I have a right to be this agitated. Don’t fucking push me.”
“It’s, what, almost four in the morning now,” Tommy says, checking his wrist watch for the time. “I’ll have some of my people track Arthur down in case he doesn’t take my call, but there’s nothing we can do right now. Everyone is in bed, so there’s no one I can shake for information. I’ll look into this because the club and Cerenity are under our protection. Arthur shouldn’t have even been in the club that night.”
Glaring at him because he’s just ad libbing the obvious right now, I huff in frustration. “I’m crawling out of my skin just thinking about what could be happening to her. You don’t know what the auctions are like for an omega?—”
“I actually do,” Jasper says, raising a finger. “If she’s at one of those places, no one will talk, so it’s a moot point. I’m going to hope she’s not, and see what we can find in the morning. I get this is a shit answer, because my sister disappeared when she was ten and I just got her back, but it’s the only thing we can do.”
Tommy still doesn’t have any emotion in his eyes as he watches the exchange, making me want to punch him just for shits and giggles. Knowing I can’t, I force myself to take a steadying breath.
Cerenity has to fucking be alive. I won’t accept any other option.
“Yeah,” I grunt with a nod. “I’ll be staying in the city tonight, so I’ll be around.”
“What about the club?” Jasper asks as if it matters.