Page 36 of Fight
Arthur rattles off a few names I know to be his men, and I purposely don’t glance at Jasper, knowing that he’s texting David. By tomorrow, those men will be dead as well. The world doesn’t need this kind of trash walking the streets. I should have done this a long time ago.
It’s a shame I needed the push of finding my half dead scent match for it to happen.
“Is there anything else I’ll need to clean up with our friends in Minneapolis?” I ask him, still calm and collected on the outside, despite the rage happening inside of me. It’s a Goddamn inferno, threatening to swallow Arthur whole.
“No, Sir. I came all the way to Chicago before I tried to sell her,” he says proudly before his eyes grow wide. “I mean, fuck, I really shouldn’t have done blow before coming here. Tommy, you know that I don’t traffic girls anymore, right? Ever since…”
“Yeah, I think I’ve heard enough,” I growl, standing. “Kneel for me you dumb son of a bitch and stay down.”
My alpha bark is stronger than Arthur, and he groans as he drops to his knees for me. Jasper pulls a handkerchief from his back pocket, moving over to gag him in perfect sync as if we do this all the time. Do we? Fuck no, I have other people for this, but we are both of the same mind that Arthur needs to die.
Pulling out the rope I keep in my desk, I grin savagely as I walk over to him. Jasper steps away as my arm swings out and I hit Arthur across the face and shoulders repeatedly with the corded rope.
Taking a calming breath, I know this is just the beginning as I slowly unravel the coil of rope. Jasper takes it from me to hogtie Arthur’s arms and legs together, so we can easily pick him up.
“We’re going to take a little drive,” I grunt, my voice low and deceptively calm. “You ran into my scent match’s car, hurt her, violated her, and tried to fucking sell her. Did I miss anything else I need to know about before I kill you for touching Cerenity Quinn?”
Arthur’s eyes grow wide before Jasper shoves his face to the carpet to finish tying his hands and feet tightly together. He’s just now realizing he walked right into a trap, and it’s too fucking late to do anything about it.
Someone knocks on the door just after, making me smirk because this has all been planned out behind the scenes. It’s a fucking masterpiece.
“Yeah, you ready?” I ask, reaching out to open the door.
“Yeah, my truck is parked next to the back alley. It’s set up for back roads. I have knives, brands, blow torches and other shit in the extended cab, so you can have some fun before you get to Freyers’ Farm,” David says with a smirk, his eyes barely glancing at Arthur.
Everyone but the alpha at my feet knows what’s about to happen.
“Thanks. We’ll head out now,” I murmur. I have my guns in strategic places along my body just in case I decide on using Arthur for target practice at some point. I’m planning to enjoy killing him slowly.
Jasper and I reach down together to pick Arthur up by the rope he’s tied with, carrying him out into the hallway.
“Oops, I really should lock up,” I murmur with a nod at Jasper, dropping Arthur like the sack of shit that he is as I lock my office door.
David snickers as he watches me. “You’re going to have fun with him, I see. Here are the keys to my truck. Do you need anything else?” he asks.
Thinking, I shake my head as I pocket them. “Just close up for the day? No one expects us to be open today,” I explain.
“Got it, boss. Have fun,” David says, waving as he walks away. “Let’s pack it up, folks! We all have places to be.”
His words ring true as I ignore Arthur’s muffled curses and grunts as Jas and I pick up the rope again. David and the enforcers are gathering up all the men who hurt Cerenity before torturing them and killing them execution style. The pigs outside of Chicago will be eating like kings today.
We maintain friendly relationships with a few farms that look the other way and are well positioned to enjoy mafia ties. The Freyers have been working with my family for generations, all the way back to my great-grandfather. They only take their orders from me, so I never have to worry about who they’re loyal to.
Pig feed is expensive, and they eat well when we come by. It’s a symbiotic arrangement.
Arthur let himself go over the years, the drugs making his skin sallow and unhealthy. He’s still a big alpha though, tall enough to tower over people, so Jasper and I shuffle together down the hallway with his unwieldy weight between us. Sighing as we push out into the alley, my nose wrinkles at the scent of garbage.
I’ll be happy for the day they empty the dumpsters.
“You were going to let my girl be eaten by rats, you fucking worthless bastard,” I growl. Just because it’s new, doesn’t mean I’m not possessive as hell.
Her poor face is bruised, and I’ve never been someone who enjoys letting others hurt women. Vibrating with anger, the short walk to the truck goes by quickly, and Jasper drops the tailgate.
Smirking at him, I drop my side of the rope so Arthur’s face crashes to the asphalt.
“Think we can swing his big ass into the truck bed?” I ask with a chuckle. Jasper shrugs, dropping the rope to grab Arthur’s feet. “Fuck yeah, let’s do it.”
Grabbing his shoulders, since his arms are tied behind his back, I start to count as Jasper and I begin to swing Arthur’s body.