Page 39 of Fight
Tommy and I grin as he gets out of the truck to join me and we walk over to the trampled alpha.
“There’s some life to the old bastard,” he murmurs. “May as well load him into the truck. Think his legs are broken yet?”
One of them definitely is arched in an unnatural angle, but the other one is too perfect.
“Not yet,” I grunt, walking over to snag two metal bats. “Let’s fix that, boss.”
Together, we smash Arthur’s legs, though we get a few good hits on the rest of his body and head as well. However, I make sure we stop while he’s still conscious, throwing him into the bed of the truck before I join him there. While he’s too fucked up to move much, I don’t want to take any chances.
“Onward we go,” I yell, teasing Tommy as he drives to the ranch. He just rolls his eyes as he goes.
Ironically, we’re only fifteen minutes away, and arrive quickly. Arthur keeps mumbling and begging me to leave him be, but I shake my head.
“How many times did Cerenity beg you to let her go? Did she scream when you bit her? I don’t even know all the details, but I saw some of the damage, you sick fuck,” I snarl. “You’re no better than a feral animal, which is why we’re going to put you down.”
As Tommy pulls up to the pig pen, he puts the truck into park and gets out.
“Last stop for you,” he says, a gleeful expression in his eyes, even as he doesn’t smile. I know he’s going to enjoy this. “Tell me about how you hurt her, Arthur, and I’ll put a bullet in your eyes before I throw you into the pen.”
Arthur whimpers as he sits up with difficulty, his body broken. “You mean it?” he asks, tears streaming down his face along with snot.
Tommy shrugs as he opens the tailgate. “Sure, I love a good story time. Be sure not to leave anything out.”
Swallowing hard, the alpha spills his guts about how he kidnapped Cerenity from the road, threw her into a panel truck, and continually hurt her. They wanted to rape her, but she put up too much of a fight despite the concussion she obviously had.
“I came all over her, and that had to be enough, because we were just arriving at Clara’s auction house,” Arthur explains. I file the woman’s name away to pay her a visit with Tommy. I want to find out more about her.
“What happened then?” Tommy asks. It's as if Arthur’s forgotten all about me. There’s a knife still in the alpha’s leg, which makes me smirk. The man is a fucking mess.
“She said she wouldn’t take her because the girl was too fucked up,” he grumbles. “Serves us right for taking her for a test drive.”
“Anything else?” Tommy asks, looking disgusted. My own stomach rolls in anger at the knowledge of what they did to the little omega. No wonder she was so out of it.
“No, Sir. Will you make it quick?” Arthur asks hopefully.
Tommy snorts as he shakes his head, grabbing Arthur’s legs and pulling him out of the bed of the truck. Following, I smirk as I jump down to help wrangle the screaming excuse of an alpha.
Shaking my head, I remove the various weapons embedded in his body before pocketing them to clean later.
“Here, piggies,” I call out as his body goes sailing into the pen. “There should be enough blood to draw you out by now. I made sure the knives and stars hurt coming out.”
Tommy throws his arm over my shoulders as we watch the stampede of pigs come out.
“A bloody, gruesome death for our girl, not that she’ll ever find out about this,” he says. Arthur doesn’t last long as the pigs go for his face, throat, and stomach first. His screams of pain fill the air, making me bare my teeth.
“We don’t know if she’s ours yet,” I grunt, though I am wondering. I remember feeling a pull toward her in her club a few months ago at the fundraiser for The Omega’s Haven. She was too far away at the time for me to be able to figure out why I felt the way I did, and then I got distracted by my own duties.
“Well, once Arthur is nothing more than bones for the pigs to gnaw on, we’ll head back to my house to know for sure. I think it’s time for us to have a long due conversation as well,” Tommy murmurs. “She’s barely been in my house for a few hours, but will be climbing the walls soon.”
“Did you hide all the knives?” I ask with a sigh as I watch the pigs enjoy their meal. “I don’t feel like being stabbed today.”
“All the knives and any weapons,” he snickers. “Our scent match is feisty.”
There’s that word again. ‘Our’. Fuck, I hope she is more than anything. I want to get to know her, but there’s also the issue of Augustine and Gabriel.
One step at a time. Kidnapping isn’t even the worst of my sins.
Chapter Nine