Page 43 of Fight
Chests heaving, we grin at each other as we survey the mess we’ve made of ourselves. My knot won’t soften for a while, so I start to walk to the shower, carrying him.
“Let’s clean up, and you can tell me all about what an asshole Jasper is,” I say.
“Why aren’t you angrier?” he asks softly, arms looping around my neck.
“Why? Because karma is coming for him, and I hope to be there when it happens,” I rumble.
Jasper’s treatment of Gabriel made me realize that there’s something more happening here. He and Tommy may even know where Cerenity is. Wren’s brother may be a dick, but he would never let an omega be sold or tortured after what happened to his sister.
Somehow, that soothes my soul a bit, even though I plan to punch him myself the next time I see him.
Chapter Ten
There’s nothing sharp in sight in this house. I’ve looked for kitchen shears, scissors, a knife, and it’s like the fun police blew through here and confiscated everything that could be used as a weapon.
“Fucking asshole,” I grunt, knowing it’s Tommy’s doing. “I’ll show you.”
I took a nap on the couch earlier after searching for an exit, but now I need to take action. My face feels like a mass of bruises, even though I know it's just my eye and lip that have been hit.
Tommy has to come home eventually. Heavy frying pans now sit piled up next to me as I eat a sandwich, my foot tapping against the sofa as I wait.
God, I would do almost anything for a pair of panties and maybe pants. My cheeks blush as I shake my head at the ridiculous thought, but I have some modesty issues. Sure, I’ll wear crop-tops, slits in my dresses, and ogle Auggie’s eight pack of abs, but I draw the line at not wearing panties.
Taking the last bite of my sandwich, I chew faster as I hear the door unlock and begin to open. Tommy is chatting with Jasper, which makes my lips curl. Sure, go out and have a wonderful day while you leave me to lounge in a cage.
It’s a really gorgeous cage, but nonetheless, that’s what it is if I can’t leave.
Standing, I pick up a pan that has some good weight, glaring at them.
“Bluebell,” Tommy says, brow raised as he closes the door behind him. My blood pressure rises as I hear the damn thing automatically lock behind him. “What do you have there?”
“The knives seemed to have up and walked away,” I say coolly before I chuck the damn thing at him.
Jasper and Tommy gasp as the latter ducks, but the other knucklehead gets hit in the shoulder with the pan. I can’t muster up any kind of compassion as I grab another makeshift weapon from the pile.
“I want to leave… immediately,” I growl. Jasper breathes deeply as he stares at me, and my stomach flip flops. This alpha shouldn’t be looking at me as if I hung the moon.
So why is he?
“I don’t think that’s going to be possible, Tiny,” he says with a smirk. “You’ve made quite the mess for yourself for being so petite.”
“He’s right. You were almost roadkill there,” Tommy says, crossing his arms. I notice the slight wince where I clobbered him with the frying pan, but he acts as if it was a glancing blow.
Maybe I need to aim lower.
“I’m fine,” I mutter, using the pan to point at him. “Arthur enjoys using his underlings to help him with his bad behavior. I’m sure he thinks I’m dead.”
I am weaving slightly on my feet, and I hate how weak I feel. Last night was terrifying, I ache everywhere, but most of all I have a lot of unanswered questions. How far did Arthur take things?
I was knocked out for long moments in time, and while I was sore when I woke up, I don’t think it was from a penis or knot. Wouldn’t it hurt more as it’s my first time? I’m an omega, so I’m made to take knots and rough fucks, but I don’t deserve to be treated like I’m less than a person.
“Look, you’re tired. Have you even eaten?” Tommy asks.
He’s being an alpha, and it makes my lips curl.
“No, Daddy, I’m fine. I just ate,” I sass. His pupils blow wide, and I remind myself that badgering the bull isn’t in my best interests. “I want to speak to Augustine, my business partner. Let me go.”