Page 46 of Fight
“The world isn’t a safe place for omegas,” I say slowly, as if they’re small children. They haven’t heard a fucking word I’ve said, so maybe if I say it slower, it’ll sink into their thick skulls.
“If I can’t smell alpha pheromones, then it’s one less way that I can be manipulated by one. Alpha barks aren’t as effective on me either, because I’m in a club several nights a week, so it’s usually too loud for me to hear. Auggie would probably castrate anyone who tried.”
“Is Augustine like your security? He didn’t look very scary when I saw him earlier,” Jasper grunts.
Wrapping my arms around my waist, I shake my head. “I have security at the club, Auggie is my business manager and best friend. Clear the wax out of your ears, boys. I hate repeating myself,” I tell them. “He’s my safe place to land. I don’t know either of you, and I don’t care what biology says, I want nothing to do with you.”
“How do you know biology is choosing you for me too?” Tommy asks. God, they’re both so fucking full of themselves.
“Would I still be in this house if you didn’t think I was yours in some fashion, Daddy?” I ask him.
“Fuck, the way you say that makes me want to take you over my knee, turn your ass red, and then fuck your perfect cunt,” Tommy growls. “I want you to fucking beg for it, though, Bluebell. I’m not interested in rape. I have no doubt that time will come where you'll whine for my cock.”
My eyes roll back in derision so hard it’s a miracle they come back down as he squeezes his tiny cock. Okay, I may have felt it against my body at one point when I was fighting with him, so it may not be a micropenis after all.
I’ll never tell.
“It’ll be a cold day in Hell, Daddy,” I say. “Cows will fly, bunnies will bark, and I’ll see seven impossible things before breakfast.”
“Only seven, baby girl?” he purrs before he yanks me off the ground to stand in front of him, making me gasp. “I’m sure we can outdo even that. You’re here because I felt pulled to you, and I wasn't sure why. I knew the second you slipped on the stairs and you perfumed so beautifully for me that you were mine, though.”
“Why should Augustine get to have you to himself if we’re yours?” Jasper asks, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world to hold me against my will.
“This isn’t real life,” I say, exasperatedly. “You can’t kidnap someone, keep them in your ridiculous house, all under the guise of ‘we need to get to know you.’ Also, your jealousy is showing a little bit, Jaspy.”
“Ugh, no, please don’t call me that,” he groans as I hold back a smile. He doesn’t deserve my smiles. I refuse to fucking be kidnapped dammit!
“Eh, I think I could be persuaded to let it go if you do me a solid and unlock the front door,” I purr, knowing it’ll never happen. My mind is already wondering if it would be too dramatic if I took one of the chairs and broke a window.
They haven’t really hurt me, but I can’t stay here. I need to get back to the safety of my apartment, my tiny closet nest, and most importantly my vibrators before my heat hits.
My skin already feels too tight, though it’s hard to decide if it’s because of the alphas in front of me, or my heat.
I can’t have a panic attack in front of these men. They’ll just freak out with me. I’m completely fucked, at sea without anyone who understands me, and I attempt once more to try to get the guys to let me go.
“I have a medical condition, and my medication is at my apartment,” I tell them. “You’re incapable of keeping me here, because you don’t fucking know anything about me! An unknown omega, with special needs, how the fuck are you going to navigate that, douchebags?”
My anger is getting away from me, but it’s too late now to do anything about it. Tommy picks me up bridal style, and I slap him across the face.
“Let me go!” I snarl. He could have easily picked me up over his shoulder, but I’m still a bit out of it and I probably would have puked on him. Tommy barely got away the first time. I’m glad he’s a fast learner, but I don’t like the intimacy of being in his arms.
“Can’t do that, Bluebell,” he murmurs as he begins to walk across the house toward the stairs. “I think you’re lying to me, and that won’t fly with me.”
“Now you pissed off, Daddy,” Jasper teases me.
I wiggle to try to get away from Tommy, but it’s different from when this happened last night. I may not know what he has planned, but the fierce tone he used earlier when he said he wasn’t going to hurt me was intense.
The issue is, a man like this doesn’t have to physically hurt me. There are other ways to hurt a woman and an omega.
Shoving and slapping at Tommy does nothing except make Jasper grab my wrists to keep me from doing it again.
“Fucking wildcat,” Tommy grunts. “No wonder you pissed the dead asshole off. Arthur thought he was God’s gift to women.”
“He wasn’t,” I mutter, getting confirmation that the alpha really is dead. He can’t hurt me anymore, but there’s a long line of people who can. “I like about three people in the entire world, and you’re definitely not them. Trust me, I’m more trouble than my worth. Just let me go.”
“Can’t,” he says, blowing out a breath as his heavy footsteps walk toward a room. “I haven’t dated in five years, Bluebell. Hooked up with a beta rarely, but even sex hasn’t been interesting. I’m tired of not finding someone to connect with.”