Page 51 of Fight
“I just got a new grill on the truck, did you know that?” he asks in return, making my brow furrow. I know he didn’t sleep much, but I’m pretty sure he may be losing it. “I plan to ram through whatever gate he may have his house behind and find my girl. Anything less is unacceptable.”
“You and your damn white horse,” I murmur, though my lips twitch.
“It’s a black truck,” he grunts. “I have no doubts that if she could, Cerenity would save her fucking self. Since she can’t, I’m just going to assist a little bit and then let her go to town on Tommy and Jasper. I have permission to punch Wren’s brother, I doubt she’d care if Cere beat the tar out of him.”
“So teamwork, not sweeping in to save her,” I amend, chuckling. Of course he would know her well enough to know that she would hate the idea of someone having to protect her.
God, he really does get her.
“Absolutely not. She would hate that,” Auggie confirms, squeezing my hand before putting the truck in park.
Together, we watch as a large man in a white-buttoned down shirt tucked into a pair of dark jeans with suspenders walks into the restaurant surrounded by two other hard men. One is tall with blond, short hair and wide shoulders, while the other has dark hair in a man bun and they all have facial hair.
Eyes wide as I watch them, I glance at Augustine. I didn’t have much time during the fundraiser to mingle since I was fighting for the charity event, so I don’t recognize them.
“The one with the rolled up white shirt sleeves is Shaw,” Augustine says, hearing the unvoiced question. “The blond is Everest, while the one with the longer dark hair is Ambrose. They were Corbin’s enforcers for years, but they’re slowly transitioning out of the role. That information isn’t widely shared, so it should stay between us.”
I nod as I listen, my eyes back on the parking lot as they disappear. They look like the kind of men who would laugh as they killed you. Fuck, am I glad they’re on our side, because they’re scary.
A few minutes later, Tommy’s truck pulls into the restaurant’s parking lot, making my heart beat harder as I watch him and Jasper get out.
“Just breathe, baby. We’re fine,” Augustine reminds me as we watch. “Shaw is going to keep me looped into the important parts of the conversation, so I know where we stand. I want to know where their intentions lie if they’re keeping Cere. I really hope I’m wrong with what my current theory is.”
Auggie’s strong jaw ticks as he grinds his teeth. The entire drive here, I’ve been wondering the same thing. Jasper and Tommy don’t really date, because they’re both too busy. I’ve never seen either with a girlfriend, though I’m sure they’ve found a quick fuck here or there over the years that I’ve known them.
To my understanding, alphas only react this way to an omega for one reason, and if I’m right, then this is going to complicate things. I may end up being the only voice of reason here.
Lucky me.
“I hope we’re both wrong,” I sigh. Augustine undoes his seatbelt after a moment, the alphas inside of the restaurant now.
“No use being frozen into indecisiveness,” he mutters as he picks up an AirTag. “Please stay here.”
“Augustine,” I growl in warning, knowing it’s a lost cause as he pops a kiss on my lips before climbing out of the vehicle.
Walking nonchalantly across the street, he keeps his head on a swivel as he moves.
“Fuck a duck,” I grunt, rubbing my temples. My man thinks he’s fucking James Bond right now, and while I love watching his tight ass walk away, he’s about to give me indigestion.
“Come on, please hurry and don’t fucking get caught.”
Blowing out a breath, I drop my head back on the headrest because he can’t hear me muttering to myself as he goes off on his mission. It sounds dismissive, but he’s making me insane.
I know why he’s doing all of this, but my heart is in my throat right now.
Tommy and Jasper aren’t the kind of people we should get on the wrong side of.
Auggie ducks down as he hits a certain point in the parking lot between two cars to hide as he moves around to where Tommy’s truck is. I watch as he hides the AirTag on the inside of the truck bed. It’s not a bad place to put it because the mob boss won’t think to check for one, since this is his territory.
It’s incredibly ballsy to tag his truck here, especially since no one is supposed to know about this meeting.
It’s also exactly the reason why Augustine figured it would work. My alpha is a genius, sometimes too much for his own good. Adjusting my hardening cock as Auggie makes his way back, his hands in his pockets as he ambles along, I roll my eyes because he does a very good job of playing at being innocent.
“Consider me impressed,” I murmur as he climbs back into the truck.
Smirking, he leans over to kiss my lips before he closes the door behind himself.
“Thank you, but I swear I was worried I’d get caught the entire time,” he says as color floods his cheeks. God, that’s adorable.