Page 63 of Fight
“It was a race to the house at that point, and Augustine jumped out of the truck pretty much spoiling for a fight,” I murmur.
“Tommy could have just shot you and been done with it,” Cerenity growls from the back seat. She can be as angry as she’d like, it’s clear she still cares about Auggie. “How could you be so dumb?”
God, we still need to tell her so much more. Fuck, this is where years of secrets are catching up with us.
“He may be a dick, but he cares about your happiness,” Auggie says, surprising me. “He wouldn’t shoot your scent match, though my face is a bit bruised.”
His right eye is starting to swell a bit from where Jasper managed to slug him as they went crashing through the door. We’re going to need to get some frozen peas for it at some point.
“I love that they knew before I did that you’re my scent match. I feel like such an idiot,” Cerenity grumbles. “I’ve been telling you for years to basically save yourself for your match, and it’s been me this entire time!”
“It’s almost funny,” I admit, chuckling. “There’s such a strong connection between you two, I’m surprised you never questioned it, Cerenity. You two need to have a long conversation. I’m more than happy to throw some headphones on for that.”
“You’re just as ridiculous as he is,” she mutters. “I’m not even sure why you’re driving all the way back with us.”
“Auggie rubs off on you, brat,” I say with a shrug. “I can see you glaring at me in the rear view mirror. We are long overdue to spend time together, so suck it up, buttercup. You’re besties with a man I’ve known most of my life.”
Augustine smirks as he watches her, waiting for her next move. Cerenity gets quiet for a moment, so long that I’m turning back to face her when Augustine hisses in dismay. Tommy and Jasper are walking out of the house, looking as if they want to continue the conversation Cerenity walked away from as Augustine turns over the engine.
“Cerenity!” Jasper roars, glaring at us. He was quieter in the house than I would have expected because he usually has a hot fuse. “Get out of the truck and speak to us!”
“Fuck,” Augustine grunts as he throws the vehicle into reverse. “I doubt they’re going to just let us go. Tommy put up enough of a fight while getting through the front door.”
Cerenity rolls down the back window as she glares at the alphas. “I’m not a chew toy to be pulled between you all! I also don’t want to speak to the two assholes who handcuffed me!” she yells. “I need space.”
“Please stay and talk to us,” Jasper begs. “We fucked up, but we can do better.”
“Prove it,” she says, closing up the window. “Actions speak more than your silly words. I’m ready to go home, Auggie.”
Augustine drives away from them as they curse, racing for their vehicle.
“What the hell are they doing?” I mutter.
“Making sure we don’t disappear. Those two are stubborn enough to follow us the entire way home,” Auggie murmurs. “Looks like we’re either going to talk this out with them at our place or theirs. What’s it going to be, Cere?”
“Ours,” she says softly. “I just want to sleep in my own bed tonight and have my things around me. I feel twitchy and overstimulated.”
What are the chances that she goes into heat from the stress? Cerenity looks a little pale, her skin bruised from the shitty experience Chicago has given her. Her hands are shaking as she fidgets, and I find I’m worried about her.
While it would be an honor to help her through her heat, I think the way she feels about the monthly event is complicated.
“You’ve had a rough few days, babe,” Augustine sighs.
A honk behind us as we drive through the gate makes me look. Tommy flicks off the truck, making me smirk and blow them a kiss. He can’t do shit to me for insubordination, because I’m really Jasper’s employee. My actual boss sighs, crossing his arms over his chest, blond hair wild from messing with it too often today.
I guess we’re going to caravan back to Minnesota. Sounds fucking cozy.
“I can borrow your clothes until I can get to the store, babe,” I grunt, turning back around. “We shouldn’t stop with them behind us.”
“You’re going to wear Augustine’s clothes,” the feisty omega says slowly. “You call him by a nickname that he hates anyone else calling him but me, and you two seem really chummy. What the hell is going on? Why are you also calling him babe? I’m tired of being the last to know things.”
“Cere, Gabriel is my boyfriend,” Augustine says as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. I almost swallow my tongue as I gape at him.
“Please don’t kill me,” I mutter as my heart drops. “Augustine and I have been involved off and on since we were seventeen. I’ve always known about you, so we’ve broken up more times than I can count under the guise of just being fuck buddies.”
“That’s what you wanted,” Augustine says calmly. “I spend the weeks you have your heat with Gabriel, Cere. You and I are best friends, but we’ve never really talked about sex or dating, so I never mentioned it. I’ve never hidden Gabe from you, just kept him separated from my life in Minnesota.”
“And the pet names? Am I so dense that I never realized it?” she asks, her voice thick and hurt. I never wanted to hurt her, and it’s why I kept pushing Auggie away. Aside from worrying I wasn’t enough and jealousy.