Page 67 of Fight
“I can’t,” she whispers, tears running down her cheeks. “I need more time. I don’t know you, and I feel too much.”
Nodding I walk closer to her, trying to get her to keep speaking to me.
“I think you can do anything you put your mind to,” I murmur. “You put Tommy and I in our places today, and made sure Marie got out of the house before you left. Our instincts were riding us hard, but Tommy wouldn’t have hurt his sister for your phone number. Coerced her? That’s another story.”
“You’re so unapologetic about it,” she scoffs, swallowing hard as she opens the inhaler.
Fuck, no. Cerenity is absolutely not taking another dose of that shit.
“Cerenity!” I roar as she glares at me through reddened eyes and raises the damn thing to her mouth.
“What the hell is going on?” Augustine asks, walking into the room as I rip the inhaler away from her.
“I said no,” I growl, throwing the offending thing to the ground and stomping it to bits.
“You bastard!” she screams, launching herself at me with her fingers curled.
Augustine plucks her from the air with a tired sigh, holding her to him as he whispers in her ear. He’s like the fucking omega whisperer.
“Take a breather, Cere,” he murmurs. “It’s done now. I’ll help you get even, okay?”
Yeah, that doesn’t seem ominous at all.
“Okay,” she grunts. “I just need a minute without anyone in my room, please.”
“You got it. I’m bringing you some crackers, hummus, and Brie cheese to snack on,” Augustine says. “I heard your stomach. Please don’t argue.”
“I guess I can eat,” she says petulantly, flicking her fingers at me to get out.
God, she’s such a pain in the ass. Baring my teeth at her and snapping, I childishly enjoy her squeak as we walk out of the room.
“You play dirty,” he murmurs as he walks with me. “Cere is going to make you pay for that. Nothing is off limits with her. I hope you enjoy sleeping with one eye open.”
“Speaking of sleeping,” Gabriel says as he stares at the couch in the middle of the living room. “Can I sleep in your bed? There’s no way the three of us will be able to fit on that.”
“Yeah, baby,” he says with a smirk. “As for you and Tommy, here’s some blankets and pillows. We never have visitors, so I have no idea how comfortable the pull out couch is.”
Augustine walks as he talks, handing over the items that he’s speaking about.
It’s almost ten at night, but I’m exhausted too. Throwing blankets on the carpet, because everything is clean and pristine, I decide it has to be more comfortable than the couch.
“There’s extra toothbrushes in the bathroom you’re welcome to. It’ll be a tight fit with so many bodies, but I’m too tired to care right now,” Augustine says, another yawn cracking his jaw. “Night.”
“Night,” Tommy and I rumble as Augustine disappears into his bedroom with Gabriel.
“I guess I’ll see you in the morning,” I say to Tommy with a shrug as I walk to the bathroom in the hallway.
Cerenity’s door is closed, and I press my ear to it to see if I can hear anything. Only hearing silence, I sigh heavily and move away.
I’m not proud of what I did, but it had to happen. Tiny needs to stop fucking running.
My hands shake as the door closes behind Auggie, and I stare down at the mess on the floor. I can’t fucking believe Jasper stomped the hell out of it. Actually, as I sink to the carpet to pick it up, I can totally believe it.
Jasper is an alpha dick. He doesn’t listen to anything, and does whatever he thinks is necessary. Throwing out the collected pieces of the destroyed inhaler, I pull out a small vacuum cleaner that’s mounted to the wall and almost silent.
Despite how much everything hurts and I just want to lie down, I need to attend to the mess. It’s itching at me, demanding I pay attention to it. Quickly, I clean up any debris, swiping away any tears that are still falling from my eyes.