Page 69 of Fight
Auggie wears the sweatshirt I’m wearing, so it always will smell like him, even though he knows I won’t know the difference.
Holy fucking shit balls, Batman!
Auggie smells like safety, home, and my favorite tea when I need something comforting. My eyes drift closed as I feed a deep need to be hugged by him. There’s this longing I’ve never known before, too.
Has he always felt like this?
Tears slide down my face as I pull my hood over my head, so I can just sit with his scent, my thoughts growling, “Mine.”
It’s a testament to Augustine’s control that he didn’t say the same the day we met. Every interaction we’ve ever had races through my thoughts, but he’s always acted like my best friend. There’s been moments of closeness while dancing where his green eyes have heated and his cock has been hard, but that’s all.
Augustine is a damn saint.
Exhaustion pulls me down from this crazy day, my eyelids growing heavier with every moment. I’ll go to sleep and then face this tomorrow. I don’t know how I’ll act when I see him. I feel as if I’m in the throes of a deep crush and an established relationship I don’t understand the mechanics of.
It’s a wild pendulum of emotions, making me whimper as my stomach pitches.
“I don’t think you’re getting off this ride anytime soon, may as well take the bull by its horns, baby girl. Tomorrow though,” I whisper as I fall into a deep sleep.
Time to figure out in the morning how this all works, because there’s no hiding from it. Biology has its ways, and it’s rearing its ugly head.
Chapter Sixteen
Cerenity’s door is closed at five in the morning the next day, making Augustine frown as he stands outside it with me. He had a hard time sleeping, worried about her for most of the night.
He twisted and turned, mumbling even when he managed to fall into an uncomfortable sleep for a couple of hours. I don’t know the little omega well enough to know if she’s in trouble or not, but he has a special connection to her, so I’m following his lead.
Finally, he threw off the blankets in the bed, sitting up with a frustrated growl, and that’s how we ended up here.
“I need to see her,” Augustine grunts, slowly opening her bedroom door. “Cere?”
There’s a low whine in the closet, which makes me frown. Why isn’t she in her bed?
“Her nest is here. I’m not surprised she decided to sleep in it after yesterday,” he explains softly.
“Why are you still living in this two bedroom? Cerenity should have a real nest,” I grunt.
Woah, where the fuck did that come from? It sounded oddly possessive and as if I give a lot of fucks.
“She hasn’t wanted to look at anything larger because she’s been obsessed with my leaving her for a mythical person,” he mutters before he crosses the room to open the closet slowly. Ah, yes. His scent match. It’s ironic, really, that everything is now coming full circle.
“Hey, Sweetheart.”
“Auggie?” Cerenity asks, sounding sleepy as I close the door behind me. Her bedroom is decorated in vibrant purples, teals, and sapphire greens, spots of color brightening up the room.
I get a peek behind the closed mouthed omega as I gaze around, smirking when I see a stuffed dog sitting on a pillow as if perfectly placed there. Everything seems to have a home in the room, and even the teal curtains are half closed.
It’s the work of someone who needs everything to be in its place, and completely normal for omegas.
The sun hasn’t risen yet, but the curtains are in the perfect position to keep the light out enough so it won’t wake her.
“Hey, beautiful. You look snuggly in there and I can’t sleep. Can I join you?” Augustine asks, startling me. He’s rarely this vulnerable with anyone.
“Why can’t you sleep?” she rasps softly. Cerenity sounds as if she’s been crying, and my heart clenches. Something about her has always spoken to me. We could have been really good friends if Augustine didn’t insist on keeping both sides of his life separate.
Now, I’m not above begging for scraps of her attention. This isn’t about me though, so I walk over to the wall next to her closet and slide down it until my butt hits the soft carpet, prepared to get comfortable.