Page 75 of Fight
“That’s it, I’m going to thrust a little more, just keep sucking as you ride Auggie’s cock. If it’s too much, tap my thigh,” I instruct. She nods even with my dick in her mouth, making me smile at how perfect she is.
Taking her face in my hands, I push my cock deeper down her throat, praising her as I go. She swallows hard as she sucks on me, moaning as Auggie begins to thrust up inside of her. Cerenity grinds her clit over him at every opportunity, whimpering as she gets closer to coming.
“That’s it, baby. Come around his dick,” I groan. Just as I say that, my vision blacks out as she comes and her throat gets impossibly tight. “Goddamn, you’re strangling me. Fuck, fuck fuck!”
Auggie’s knot starts to push into her pussy as she begins to pull him inside of her with her last orgasm. Augustine gasps as he holds her tightly, and Cere surprises me by continuing to suck me off.
“God, I’m close,” I gasp. “Your throat is so fucking tight. You’re sucking me like you were born to do it.”
The little omega preens, all evidence of the shy virgin melting away. Auggie’s knot pops inside of Cerenity, and he shudders. I rock harder down her throat, noting she doesn’t have a gag reflex. Shuddering, I try to hold off until they come, knowing it’s close.
A few minutes later I’m jerking away from Cerenity with a whimper as Auggie roars as he comes, taking Cere along for the ride, as her pussy clamps down on him. It only takes a few strokes until ropes of cum jut from my cock, covering their faces and chests with it. Auggie and Cere even open their mouths wide to catch some as they ride the waves of their orgasms.
Goddamn, I’m a lucky fucking beta. Kissing both of them, we clean each other up before collapsing into Cere’s nest. I know Auggie’s knot won’t deflate for a while, and I can go for a run later.
“I’m still kind of mad at you, Auggie,” Cerenity mutters petulantly as she lays on Augustine’s chest.
“Baby, you can be mad at me for as long as you need to be. I love you and I’m not going anywhere,” he murmurs sleepily.
Smiling as I close the door to the nest, I cuddle with them as my eyelids get heavy and I drift off into one of the best sleeps of my life.
I found what I was missing. Cere isn’t just the other half of Auggie’s heart, I think she’s mine too.
Chapter Seventeen
My cock has been hard for the last twenty minutes, ever since I heard Tiny’s first moan.
“This is fucking torture,” Tommy groans when Cerenity screams in pleasure. Standing, he scowls in the direction of her bedroom. “Fuck.”
“Well, that appears to be what they’re doing,” I say wryly, rolling my eyes as I get up from the makeshift bed. I’m going to buy a blow up mattress today to sleep on, since I’ll be camping out in her living room. My back isn’t particularly happy with my current arrangement.
“I can’t fucking take it,” he grumbles, adjusting his cock in his boxers. We both need to pick up clothes and shit at the store, since we didn’t think the six hour drive all the way through, and I’m definitely going to need to scope out a new running route.
“What are you going to do, burst in on them and demand she sucks your cock?” I ask. As soon as the words leave my mouth and the gleam appears in his eye, I know I fucked up.
Tiny’s pheromones are flooding the apartment, and it’s enough to send an alpha into rut, or at the very least, make very bad decisions.
Tommy grunts like a caveman and starts walking toward the bedroom as if that’s exactly what he plans to do.
“Wait!” I hiss, almost tripping over the blankets as I rush him. “Tommy, you can’t go in there! Remember what she said about fucking choices!”
I may be a slow learner, but I’m getting better, I swear.
“What?” he mutters, continuing to walk toward the door.
Shoving him doesn’t help, nor does stomping on his foot with bare feet. Fuck me.
“You’re not a damn animal,” I growl, punching the alpha in the face.
Blinking, he shakes his head before launching himself at me. Taking me to the ground, he tries to pin me down as he punches me, but I’m a trained fighter. Flipping him, we beat the shit out of each other until we’re both exhausted, gasping in breaths on the ground as I lick some blood off my lip.
Goddamnit, that’s going to be really fun to explain.
I managed to avoid most of the blows to my face, all except my lip.
“You good now, asshole?” I grunt, breathing hard.