Page 71 of The Wolf's Mate
It takes Hettie longer to notice I’m here, but when it finally registers, she jumps off the couch and hurries over to me. At first, it looks like she’s going to hug me, and my body stiffens. She notices, and her face falls, stopping a few feet in front of me.
“How is she?” she asks softly.
A part of me wants to scream and tell her she has no right to ask such questions. To yell and demand what would even possess her to bring Tallie into her plan. We’re walking a fine line right now because I can’t control my anger. I don’t want to say something I might regret later.
So I keep my answers brief. “Sick. She won’t wake up.”
The worry on her face only amplifies. “Not at all? Have you tried?—?
“Why were you out tonight?” The harshness in my voice silences Hettie. She retreats into herself, and our bond feels empty. Desolate.
“I thought I could help,” she whispers.
“Help? You thought you could help?” I bark out a bitter laugh. “No, Hettie, this wasn’t help. Not only did you put yourself in danger, but you involved my cousin and Grass too. All of you could be dead right now. Do you understand how idiotic your actions were?”
“I didn’t mean for it to go this way.”
“But it did!” I don’t realize I’ve raised my voice until a healer peeks around the corner to see what the commotion is. “Your actions and choices have consequences.”
“I didn’t know. I really—I’m so sorry.” Hettie chokes back a sob, tears welling in her eyes. She searches my face for understanding, something I just can’t give her right now.
“You’re our pack Luna. You came here to help us, not to put the pack in more danger.”
“I know. I know that. Rip, I’m so sorry.”
“Sorry isn’t going to fix this, Hettie!” I don’t mean to blow up. It pains me to see her retreat into herself and cry harder. I want to console her, but I also want my space. She lied to me. Broke her promise. And now people are hurt because of it.
I sigh, doing my best to calm down and lower my voice. It’s late, and I don’t want to disturb the patients. “Just…go. Go back to the packhouse. I’m staying here for the night.” I need the space. Time to think properly. “I’ll send guards to escort you back.” I turn to leave, but Hettie reaches out for my hand.
“Wait,” she pleads.
I don’t speak, but I stop walking, allowing her a moment. She rummages through her coat pockets before producing a handful of weeds. I don’t see the purple flowers at first until Hettie hands them over. “Wolfsbane. We found some. It’s not enough to cure everyone, but it’s something.”
No, it’s hardly enough to cure a handful of people. Anger flares to life again inside me. She risked her life and that of my cousin for this?
I snatch the wolfsbane from her hands. “I’ll give it to Lucielle.” And hope she can make the cure before Tallie gets any worse. I try not to dwell on the fact that she’s taking the cure from someone who has been in this condition longer, and, because of that, we may have more deaths on our hands.
I leave Hettie crying behind me. I’ve said enough for the night. I motion for the guard standing watch in the hallway to escort her home.
Hettie doesn’t argue. She accepts her fate, giving me one last longing look. It breaks my heart. Breaks my fucking spirit, but I do and say nothing. Betrayal cuts too deep.
“I’m sorry,” she mouths one last time before following her escort back to the packhouse, leaving me alone to clean up the mess she’s created.
Chapter 33
The door shuts behind me with a resounding thud, leaving me and Grass alone in a dark room. Rip’s hurt and disapproval stays with me, long after I leave him. The hurt and pain I caused not only Tallie, but everyone who loves her.
I fucked up.
I fucked up bad.
And the worst part? Thorne has no clue his mate lies cursed in the infirmary bed. He left thinking she would be safe, and in a few short hours, I completely ruined that. He asked me to watch over her, and I ended up being the reason she’s cursed.
He’s never going to forgive me. Rip is never going to forgive me. I don’t think I have any more tears inside me, but they fall freely down my face again.
My body gives out, sinking down the wall and onto the floor. I pull my legs to my chest, hugging my arms tightly around them. Shuddering sobs rack my body, and I can’t stop. Grass whimpers and nudges my arm as if saying, I’m here, and I’m not leaving.