Page 84 of The Wolf's Mate
“No fucking privacy in this damn infirmary.” Rip frowns. He looks so much like a little kid pouting that I can’t help but laugh.
“Come in!” I call, just as Rip says, “Go away.”
I playfully smack his chest and quickly regret it when I see him wince. “Sorry,” I murmur.
The door opens, and Thorne sticks his head in. He grins when he sees we are awake. “Care for some visitors?”
“Rip, be nice,” I scold before addressing Thorne. “We would love a visitor.”
“Two, actually.” Thorne disappears behind the door again, and a moment later, it opens wide. He reaches for someone, and then Tallie walks into the room. Well, “walks” is putting it kindly. It’s more like a sluggish shuffle. Still, I gasp and roll out of bed.
“Tallie!” I cry happily, stopping a few feet in front of her. I want to wrap my arms around my friend, but she’s as pale as her cousin and seems to struggle with standing.
Thorne notices this too and takes her hand. “Sit, my Star.” He helps her into a chair.
She squeezes his hand and leans against him. “Thorne told me what happened. I don’t know if I want to be mad at you or congratulate you,” Tallie finally says.
“Both. Both is the appropriate response,” Rip pipes up from behind me.
I ignore him because I’m still stunned Tallie is even awake. “How?” That is the only the word I can say.
Luckily, Tallie understands my question. “Lucielle used the wolfsbane you found to cure me. I needed most of it, but a few others have also received treatment. You did that, Hettie. You saved us, and I’m so honored to call you my Luna and dearest friend.”
Tears sting my eyes, and I’m moments away from ugly crying in front of these people I love. Tallie said I’m her best friend. I don’t think I’ve ever been anyone's best friend before.
“And more wolves will be cured in the next few days,” Thorne adds. “With the rogues and the Nephilim no longer on our land, we now have access to the wolfsbane growing in the rogue territory. A group of guards, along with two healers, are already en route to gather it. Enough to cure every sick wolf here.”
“That is…amazing.” This is exactly what I had hoped for when I left to find Michael. I just didn’t think I would be here to enjoy the after-effects.
“All thanks to you, Hettie.” Tallie smiles.
It wasn’t me. At least it wasn’t only me. Rip played a part in this. Rose and her dragons played a huge part in helping our wolves take down the rogues and Nephilim. So many people worked and fought for a cure and the safety of our pack.
And we succeeded.
“We won’t stay long. Tallie just wanted to see you both,” Thorne says. “She shouldn’t even be out of bed, but…” He shrugs. Clearly he was coerced into letting her come here.
“I just wanted to make sure my best friend and my cousin are okay. You’re okay, aren’t you?” Tallie directs her questions to Rip.
“I’m okay, Tallie. You’ll need to wish harder for me to disappear next time.”
“Oh, hush. You are infuriating, even injured.” Tallie rolls her eyes, but there’s relief in her features too.
Thorne picks Tallie up, holding her bridal-style. “We’ll check on you in the morning. Goodnight, Luna.” He bows his head and then turns to his best friend. “Glad you’re still with us, brother.”
“You and me both. Take care of her.” He inclines his head toward Tallie, who’s fighting sleep in Thorne’s arms.
“I will.” He carries her out of the room.
I’m grateful for Thorne and relieved that Tallie looks like she’s going to be okay. I still feel guilty for being the reason she’s in the hospital in the first place though. I don’t think that will ever change.
I don’t realize I’m swaying on my feet until Rip reaches out to steady me. “Come to bed, Hettie. It’s been a long few days.”
I don’t even remember the last time I slept. The adrenaline that has fueled me during all of this is finally fading, and sleep is calling, which is why I don’t protest getting back into the small bed.
Rip pulls the threadbare covers over us. It’s a far cry from our bed back home, but it’ll do for the night. He wraps me up in his arms, providing all the warmth I need. My eyes grow heavy, knowing I can’t fight sleep for much longer.