Page 13 of Lost Treasure
Alohi asked,“Do you have a passport?”
“Good. That’sone thing we don’t have to mess with.”
Her vehiclepulled up, and she darted to the door. She yanked it open and gotinside. She buckled in and said, “To the address, please.”
“The MonarchHotel?”
“Yes, please.One stop at the apartment on the way. I just have to grab a bag,and I will be right out.”
He drove herhome, and she grabbed a few changes of clothing and extra shoes,plus her passport. She returned to the car in four minutes, andthey were on their way.
She didn’t knowhow Mark had found her, but she didn’t trust him. She would nevermake that mistake again.
Haravin heard a knockat her door at three in the morning. She walked to the keyhole, andher guts turned to ice. She called security and said calmly, “Thereis a man knocking on my door. I need him removed. He is my ex andmeans me harm.”
“Yes, ma’am. Wewill send someone up there in the next ten minutes.”
The knockingresumed. “Harvey. Harvey, let me in. I just want you to have Tim’sbaby. You know he can’t carry to term. So, we want you to be oursurrogate. Then we can just be the three of us until the baby isborn, and maybe if there is another one that Tim wants, you cancarry that, too.”
“Hire asurrogate, Mark.”
“No. They areexpensive. You are free. You are also in really good shape.”
“No, Mark. I amnot going to carry a baby for you and Tim. Get someone else.”
He growled low.“Don’t be that way.”
“Don’t be anass. The growl doesn’t work on me anymore. I am immune.”
He punched thedoor, and she stepped back. He punched again, and she was reachingfor the phone when it rang. “Ma’am. You need to stop whatever youare doing. People are complaining.”
“I have alreadycalled security. My ex is outside my room, punching my door andrefusing to leave.” She sighed. “I did not invite him.”
The thuddingpicked up tempo, and her door began to bend.
“Fine, ma’am.Security is coming right up.”
“Great, andcheck your call logs before someone deletes them. I called fiveminutes ago.”
The doorshattered inward, and Haravin screamed as a hand wrenched the hotelphone out of her hand.
Mark grabbedher neck and held her in the air. His veins were distended, hisneck wide, and his face flushed. “Have my baby!”
She sawmovement in the hall and said, “No!” She couldn’t get a lot ofenergy behind it. He was slowly strangling her.
A dark shapewalked into the room behind Mark and got him in a headlock.Surprisingly, he didn’t drop her but rather took her to the floorwhen his knees buckled.
The figurepunched him in the head, and he went limp, letting Haravin rollaway, coughing and gasping for air.
She crouched onthe floor, and security arrived. When oxygen came a little easier,she looked up and blinked. “Oh, hey, Kekoa. Um, thanks forthat.”
He looked ather in surprise. “It sounded like someone was being murdered inhere. Why didn’t you change?”