Page 23 of Lost Treasure
“We might savethat for her first anniversary.”
Kekoa sighed.“How do I make this right?”
“Well, you justdeflowered a virgin from ten feet away, so you have weird alphabragging rights.”
“Alo.” Thewarning in his voice was familiar to his omega.
“It will befine. She’s a smart woman and very practical. There is only onething that startled me about her.”
“Well, she’stough, right? Practical?”
“Then why didshe cry like a wounded child when the doctor held her? It’s veryout of character.”
Kekoa paused asthings began to click for him. “When she was crying, what did yousee and hear?”
“An alphacomforting an upset, oh... omega. Holy shit. You don’tthink...”
Kekoa sent atext to the only other person he knew who had a beta that actedlike an omega.
A call starteda moment later, and he answered. “Yes, Syar?”
“To beblunt, yes. Absolutely. Taller, stronger, and generally moreemotionally stable, the beta-omegas are just the same as an omega.They are just infinitely more fun. Just ask Reynaldo.”
“He has noproblem with her?”
“No, theyregularly play hunting tag up into the hills and come back the nextmorning.” Syar chuckled. “Of course, I can feel everythingthey do through the links, so I can assure you they are both havinga good time.”
“Did you haveany trouble having sex with her?”
“A little.Ven had been assaulted, so she needed a lot of reassurance and lotsof cuddles while she slept. We got her used to us one cuddle at atime. Getting her used to us was the hardest part. She didn’t wantto intrude on our partnership. Betas have a pathological respectfor couples. Don’t be surprised if she jumps out of bed to get awayfrom you two. Just order her back to bed and pull her in.”
“I don’t thinkshe would take kindly to that.”
“You willhave to figure out what is right for her. And, it is unlikely thatshe will have a fast gestation like Ven does.”
“I am notcounting on that, but your children are very cute.”
“Aw, thanks,Uncle Kekoa. Oh, what is your lady’s name? Ven might knowher.”
“Her name isHaravin Dillard.”
“Ven isfeeding the babies, so I will ask her in a few minutes.”
“Thank you. Anyinformation I can get would be beneficial.”
He sighed offpolitely and looked to his omega. “I am trying.”
Alohi pattedhis leg. “It’s a start.”
His omegacurled up against him, and he inhaled. Hmm. Neither of them had atrace of Haravin on them. They had been around her at closequarters, but neither of them had touched her. She had neededcomfort, and neither of them had given it to her. She had liftedher little chin and walked out, apparently knowing that she had nosource of comfort.
Alohi knew whathis mate was thinking. “I can’t fathom being that alone.”
Kekoa wrappedhis arm around his omega and soothed the agitation. Hopefully, theshopping therapy would help Alohi.