Page 43 of Lost Treasure
“Oh, you canface me for it.”
She steppedforward and wrapped her hands around his cock, and she began a slowstroking that had him narrowing his eyes.
He murmured, “Idon’t think this will do.”
She blinked.“Harder? Faster?”
He smiled.“Softer, wetter.”
Hara looked athim and swallowed. “Oh.”
He chuckled andlifted her, turning the water off and lining his body up with hers.To her shock, the wide head slipped in without much issue. She feltthe pressure, but no pain came with it.
She looked upat him in surprise.
“I knew thatplaying with Alo would get you started.” He smiled. “He’sinsidious.”
He wassupporting her and slowly eased her down. Her lids fluttered as hewent deeper. It felt so nice. Better than nice.
“How are youdoing?”
She bit her lipand nodded, “Uh-huh.”
He chuckled,lifted her, and lowered her. Her eyes opened wide as that set off awhole new set of sensations.
A soft whineleft her throat, and he moved her faster, harder until the buildingtension told her she was going to fly apart again. She clutched athim and softly whimpered as he continued the thrusts until shegasped and groaned as her body pulsed around him. That was when hepushed hard, and she shrieked as the knot fully corked her, andheat rushed into her. She shuddered while her muscles clasped andsqueezed him, and he shoved in deeper.
She panted, andthen he licked her neck before biting down, and she howled insurprise.
He kept histeeth buried under her skin, and her heart pounding had a slowerecho suddenly, followed by a twisting of a sort of a ribbon ofemotion between them in a thick silver with the ripple of a thinnergold strand. Satisfaction came through the silver strand, and happyexcitement came through the gold.
She was limp,pinned in two places.
When the linkwas thick enough, Kek released his bite and licked at her gently.She softly whined again, and he surged into her further. She wasstretched and uncomfortable, but there was no pain.
She asked, “Howmuch further can you go?”
“Invitation orquery?”
“Query. Aninvitation would look like this.” She brought her legs up andwidened herself to one hundred and eighty degrees.
He shoved heragainst the tile wall and pressed into her.
She gasped andsquirmed, but he got all the way in. She couldn’t close her legs ifshe wanted to.
She huffed andlooked at him. “Guess we didn’t need those toys.”
“They are allflanged. We can use them for anal training.”
Her eyessnapped wide. “What?”
“Don’t youthink it would be fun to be between Alo and myself in his heat ormy rut?”
“You have aweird idea of fun. It sounds sweaty to me.”
“But with youable to do the splits, we can both get all the way to thehilt.”
“He doesn’thave a hilt.”