Page 48 of Lost Treasure
“Apparently.”She looked at the guys who were getting more colour. “I will waitwith them.”
She knelt onthe mat near the bed and rubbed the ankles of both.
Reynaldo shookhis head and exited. “Ven is going to sic the kittens on you. Justa warning.”
She nodded andkept rubbing as they started to move. “Yup. I am warned.”
Alohi groaned,and she moved behind him, rubbing his shoulder. “Come on. Fight it.Come on, omega, your alpha is naked, and you are neglectinghim.”
Alohi gruntedand started moving. “Hara?”
“Oh, there’s mybig, brave boy.” She got him some water and held his head while shehelped him hydrate.
“Well, thedelicious lunch had food in it meant for me. Royal fowl fromEmerald Island. The wild cat there hunted it and told Ven it wasfor me.” She chuckled. “Ven nearly had heart failure. She wassupposed to be having a year off.”
“The cat toldher?”
“Have you seenVen? Talking to cats is the least surprising thing.” She got him totake more water and then tried to wake Kek up.
“Come on, Kek.Get up.”
He wasn’tmoving. She shoved him, and there was no response.
She forced openthe link between them and held it wide open. She knew this wouldwork with an omega, but well, she could only try.
She sprinteddown to the kitchen and got a bowl of ice. Then she returnedupstairs and noted that Alohi seemed to be doing better, but he wassitting and holding his head.
She tried towake Kek one more time, and when he didn’t move, she grabbedhandfuls of ice and inserted them into her.
She felt thepain of the ice inside her, and she gave it to him. He jerked, andhis eyelids twitched, and the whole time she just had to focus onpain. She grabbed a chunk of ice and pressed it to her mark.
Kek inhaledhard and jerked up to sit.
She leaned overand got his cup of water. “Drink.”
His handsflapped, so she moved behind his head and held the cup to hismouth. “There we go. How are you doing?”
He finished thecup. “You are in pain.”
“Sort of. Notreally. I gave myself frostbite.” She chuckled. “Alohi is fine. Hegot the same dose you did, but his body already responds toestrogen. Yours... doesn’t.”
He looked ather. “What happened?”
“Royal fowlfrom Syar and Ven. It was marked for me. A warning had been put onit, and they still gave you two just enough for the two of you. Youate a hormone bomb.”
He grunted. “Iam going to have a chat with housekeeping.”
“Don’t bother.I am going to challenge her for the title.”
Alohi shook hishead. “Don’t. It’s a ton of work.”
“I know. I tookcare of four alphas, two omegas, and two babies, with five tothirty-seven visitors per day.”
Kek murmured,“It will tether you to the household?”
“So? I need ananchor point.”