Page 57 of Lost Treasure
Reynaldochuckled. “And she is a very tall omega.”
Alohi smiled.“She is, and I guess Hara is, too.”
Narro chuckled.“If you doubt, how much difficulty did Kek have getting insideher?”
“Oh. Uh, none.She was slick as... oh my.”
Hara shrugged.“You didn’t know what you were looking for, and I only transformedto get that one particular alpha. After he has his heir, I am goingto be free and clear to spend the rest of my eggs the way I want.”She frowned. “I am wondering why the fowl have shown up.”
Syar smiled.“You may not be in heat, but Kek is pretty close to his rut. Theguardians are trying to get you up to speed to have your body readyto catch and carry.”
“Oh. I thoughtit was just some food I didn’t have to beg for.”
Narrowhispered, “Did you want to go home?”
“Where is home?Ford probably has a new housekeeper from the book club. Myapartment is still there, so that is that. I have enough savings tokeep me comfortable for ten months.”
“You don’t wantto stay here?”
She met Alohi’sgaze. “I don’t have to if I will be in the way. Having a secondalpha has set me free.”
Syar clearedhis throat. “You will always be welcome on Emerald. We can set youup with a nice cottage. You can start a dance studio.”
“That soundslike fun.” She looked at Narro. “Are you up for that?”
“Well, learnlocal dances first and then open an all-varieties dancestudio.”
“Cool. I canlearn flamenco.” She smiled.
Narro asked,“You couldn’t before?”
“No, the hardsteps hurt a lot.”
Understandingflared in his gaze. “Oh, right.”
She wanted todiscuss possible studio names but needed to learn local dancesfirst. Maybe now that she could move her pelvis freely, she couldmanage a lot more.
Alohi smiled.“I can teach you local dances. I don’t think Kekoa was allowed tolearn.”
Syar chuckled.“He was. He’s a bit awkward.”
Alohi chuckled.“It’s cute.”
Kekoa returnedand nodded. “Haravin Dillard of the Treasure Pack, you are legallya citizen of these islands.” He knelt and snapped a gold cuffaround her ankle.
He looked up ather and stroked her thigh. “It is an identifier. Everybody knowsAlohi; everyone will stay away from Narro, but you look like acharming beta, so you get a cuff in addition to the mark. We don’twant anyone thinking you are a tourist.”
“What happensto tourists?”
“Well, it is avery relaxed society around the ferries. The lower city is a lot offun for adults, but things get out of control.”
Ven sighed.“Well, it seems like things are under control here. If you want tocome over for a visit, just take the ferry and come on over. I havetaken dance classes, and they are rather fun. Syar and Reynaldo areamazing, but I am biased.”
Hara looked atthem and sighed. “What do the new babies eat?”
“Oh, they arecatching their own meals already. Be prepared to be vermin-free inshort order, and then they will hunt in the wilds.” Syar smiled.“They are natural to these islands, so they are good with whateverthey find in the wild. They will come to you for cuddles.”