Page 11 of Thicker than Blood
I say it softly so I can try out my voice before fully telling them I’m fine. I want to make sure it’s not going to come out shaky or scared, the two emotions that are most prominent in me right now.
“I…I’m alright, guys. Just a little fall. No worries.” No worries but I am going to be feeling it tomorrow.
“That might be, child, but you are still going to let me call the doctor to come out and check you over. And I absolutely forbid you to be alone tonight. You can sleep in the main house in a bedroom close to mine and Maria’s.”
“No, Eddie, really, I’m…fine! No need to worry or go out of your way for me. It’s really unnecessary.”
“Then you will do what I ask of you so you don’t make me stay up all night worrying about you in the guest house where nobody can check up on you throughout the night.”
Damn, he’s good. Better than his grandson even.
Chapter Eleven
I go to the guest house first and let myself in but just like the cameras showed me, she’s not here. So, where the hell is my Maple?
I’ve kept myself in check because I was able to see her when she came home. I could check in and make sure she was safe. Now, she’s not here, it’s well after midnight and I am losing my goddamned mind.
If something happened Gramps would have called me. If not Gramps, then surely Maria would since I told her to keep an eye on her while I was gone. I check my phone for the tenth time since parking, but all the video feed shows me is myself standing in the middle of the living room looking fucking lost.
I head for the main house. Her car is here so if she left, she’s gone with someone, a thought that does not make me happy. Once inside I try to be silent so as not to wake Gramps and Maria. There’s no one in the living room and the kitchen is immaculate like it usually is, but something feels…off.
I head to the second story where Gramps and Maria’s rooms are located and check in on both of them. Gramps night nurse, Judy, is also in one of the rooms close to Gramps’ room. I’m about to wake Maria and ask her where Maple is when I spot a door half open with a little light spilling from it into the hallway.
I slip into the room and allow my eyes to adjust to the low light. As soon as my eyes fall on the bed, I see what I’ve been looking for. Maple. Why is she here and not in the guest house? I come closer to her and notice the little timer sitting by the bedside ticking away. What the fuck is it counting down to? And why is it in Maple’s room?
I press my knee on the mattress so I can come even closer. She’s beautiful. Just as breathtaking as she always is but something doesn’t feel right. Once I am lying beside her, I wake her up by saying her name softly and leaning over to kiss her full soft lips.
She comes awake slowly; her brows furrowed like she might have been having a bad dream.
“Wake up, sweet girl. Show me those pretty eyes.”
Her lashes flutter and she slowly lifts her lids before groaning. “Maria?”
“No, sweets. It’s me.”
“Caspian? What…what the hell are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing, sugar. Why aren’t you in the guest house?”
“What? How did… you know I was here and not in the guest house? What the hell is going on, Caspian? Why are you here?”
She sits up and quickly brings her hands to both sides of her head, giving a little hiss between her lips. What the hell?
“What’s wrong, sweetheart? What’s wrong with your head?”
“She fell today.” I spin around to find Maria at the door.
“She fell and hit her head.”
My eyes fly to the timer. That explains why it’s here.
“The doctor said I’m fine. Just a little bump on the back of my head and some bruises.”
“She said we should wake her to check on her every hour or so. Judy and I have been taking turns checking in on her.”