Page 18 of Thicker than Blood
Maria and I are led back to a room where the light is turned down low and a monitor is beeping steadily. Maria pushes me to the chair beside the bed.
I touch his hand and find it cold but when he cracks his eyes open, they are nothing but warm. “Ah, an angel has come to sit by my side.”
I give him a wobbly smile and fight not to break down and cry again.
“Is Caspian nearby?”
I nod for him, “He’s filling out some paperwork for you, but he’ll be… here he is.”
I stand to give him the chair, but he waves me back down and instead comes to stand behind me. “Don’t you make a pretty sight together. Can you give me a moment with my grandson, ladies?”
“Of course.” I stand and give Eddie a smile and try not to be hurt that he wants a moment alone with his grandson. It is his grandson after all. I just… thought he would say anything he had to say to Caspian in front of me.
Chapter Seventeen
I narrow my eyes at the old man in bed. He scared the shit out of me and I know he terrified Maple.
“You’re going to be okay, gramps. Doctor says so and you know I wouldn't allow it any other way.”
“But if I’m not…?” I open my mouth to tell him not to even talk that way, but he waves my concern off, “No, no. I want to get this done before I can’t. You listen to me, Caspian. I want you to do me a big favor if something happens to me. Will you do that for me, my boy?”
I give him a nod.
“That depends on what it is, Gramps.” He narrows his eyes at me too wise to argue with me.
“I want you to take care of Mae for me. I mean, really take care of her. I don’t want to leave this Earth knowing she doesn’t have anyone anymore. She’s had a hard life, and she needs someone strong and bold and not afraid to just… pick her up and throw her over his shoulder every now and then.”
So, he did see our little disagreement in the den before we took it to my room. I thought he might have.
“You promise me, you’ll take care of her, my boy. Promise this to an old man.”
He says take care of her, but I think we both know what he is really saying. “Gramps…,” I choose my words carefully, “what’s between me and Maple is for me and Maple. I think you know where I stand on the subject of Maple though.”
He narrows his eyes at me before giving me a big grin. “Indeed, I do. I just wanted to make sure. I didn’t think you’d be playing with a sweet angel’s heart like some cad, but I wanted to make sure I said something just in case you were ever in doubt.”
It's my turn to narrow my eyes, "Gramps, did you know... that I would take one look at Maple and need her like she's an addiction? Did you do all this?"
If anything, the last four hours have made me look at her in a whole new light. The way she cried for my grandfather and worried over him was…enduring. No, more than enduring, it tipped the scales for me. Seeing Maple’s hand clutching my grandfather like she could hold him to this world by sheer will alone changed me.
Worrying about my grandfather was scarier than anything I ever faced at the FBI but having Maple to hold and look after made it somehow less… Just less.
“Now, go! Get your head out of your ass and get your girl before I change my mind and make a play for her myself. You know I’m more charming than you are.” He winks at me.
I give him a big smile, “I love you, Gramps.”
“Love you too, my boy.” I stand but Gramps reaches out to me. “She looks tired, Cas. Take her home and make sure she doesn’t worry about this old man.”
“Will do, Gramps. Will do.”
I make my way out to the waiting room. Before any words are out, Maria speaks up. “I’ll stay here with Eddie for the night. You two go home.”
Maple starts to disagree.