Page 4 of Thicker than Blood
I choke on the piece of chocolate cake I just placed in my mouth. I grab for the glass of water sitting by my elbow and try to unclog my throat. Eddie did not just say that! To his grandson!
When I get myself together and risk a glance over at the grandson, he is giving me death stares and narrowed eyes. I rush through dessert as fast as I can before I jump up from my seat. “I should really be going and let the two of you catch up. I have that big test tomorrow too, Eddie.”
“Of course, dear. You’ll do wonderful on it as always. You be safe going home.”
He makes a move to stand up but I stop him immediately, “No, you stay. I’ll have Maria lock me out. Enjoy your dessert and… your grandson.”
“Actually, I can show her out. No problem at all for me to do it. I need to grab my bag in the foyer anyway. I brought you something.”
I love how Eddie’s face lights up but not that I have to walk next to this man. I go around the table first and drop a kiss on Eddie’s cheek like I do most nights before I leave.
“Remember, if you need me, call.”
I offer him a sweet smile before rushing to the door. The grandson’s legs are so long that he easily catches up with me so he can walk right beside me. We are silent until we come to the door, and I start to relax as I am so close to freedom.
And then he speaks.
“I have no idea what you want with my grandfather but if it’s money…” he leans closer to me causing me to back up into the still closed door, “you should try with someone younger.”
“Hmm,” he makes the sound like I’ve agreed to something instead of asking a question. “If you’re looking for a sugar daddy, baby, you should think about what you’re doing.”
Sugar daddy?
His eyes rake over me and my brain finally catches up with what is going on. He thinks… He thinks I am sleeping with Eddie! That I’m Eddie’s 'sexual' companion. Oh, dear God!
“Gramps isn’t the person you want to fuck with, little girl.” He steps forward and I step back but I'm stopped dead in my tracks by the solid wooden door at my back. His hand comes up but doesn’t make contact with my skin. Instead, he just hovers over me. “If you want to try for the family money, you can always give me a whirl. I don’t think I would have a problem being your Daddy, sweets.”
Fear flashes through me until it pisses me off. This is what I was worried I would find when I took this job with Eddie. I wasn’t going to put up with it from him and I certainly am not going to take it from his jerk of a grandson.
I place my hand on his chest… and shove as hard as I can. It takes him by surprise, and he takes a step back. “The next time you try to touch me… they’ll be calling you sugar momma.”
I give him a sneer and look down just so I can drive the message home with him.
“They’ll have to send a search party out for your balls.” I reach for the doorknob and turn it, never taking my eyes off him. Once I have the door open, I slip around it. “Good night, Maria.”
I run for my little piece of shit car and don’t relax until I am at my shitty apartment.
Chapter Five
“So, tell me what you think about sweet little Mae?”
Not so sure she’s all that sweet since she offered to hand my balls to me after I propositioned to be her sugar daddy. And why does that make me so damned hard? None of which I can tell my grandfather.
“I would like to know more about her. How did the two of you meet?”
I listen to my grandfather go on and on about his sweet, little Mae before helping Maria and the night nurse take him to his room. Then I deep dive into finding out as much about this girl as I can …which isn’t very much. She has no record, no tickets, and the only thing I can find on her after hacking into the university records is that she made a ‘C’ on her last Lit test.
And what’s worse, when I look at her finances there is even less to see. She lives in a run-down apartment building in a shady part of town but there are worse places. One of the things that does catch my attention is the order to condemn the building. Maybe she’s getting close to my grandfather so she will have a place to stay. Can I fault her for that?
I spend most of the night calling in favors and asking about Maple Whitlow. By the time I finally drift off she follows me into my sleep, and I dream about sweet, sweet pussy that baths my tongue in cream so fucking addictive I need a hit of it every other hour. Waking up around noon, I can’t say the dream just might be prophetic because as soon as I get a glimpse of her, my dick turns rock hard.
“Here he is now. We were just wondering if you would join us for lunch. It’s such a beautiful day, I was bribing Maria to take it outside so we can all have a picnic. I haven’t had a picnic since… Ruth.”
The smile that rings my grandfather’s face is priceless and all because of the young thing he has hanging off his arm. Could it really be love? Could they be… in love with one another? And why am I all of a sudden jealous of my eighty-year-old grandfather?