Page 7 of A Wedding in the Bay
The three of them trooped into the living room, where a cozy fire was already crackling in the hearth.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever told you how good this room looks,” Johanna said warmly, gazing around at the comfortable décor. “Sophisticated and comfortable at the same time.”
Dane and Alissa shared a secret grin. When Johanna had come to stay with them months earlier, Alissa had been worried that her particular mother-in-law wouldn’t approve of their home. Dane knew that a compliment on décor was high praise coming from someone with as keen an eye for detail as his mother.
The doorbell rang—a pleasant sound of chimes jingling.
“I’ll get it,” Dane announced, and hurried toward the front door. When he opened it, he grinned.
“Well, look at this! My favorite niece!”
“I’m your only niece.” Pearl giggled, giving him a hug.
Behind her, Caitlin and Michael were smiling warmly.
“We brought some wine,” Caitlin said, and Michael held up a tote bag. “Thanks for hosting this.”
“Of course, come on in, it’s cold out there,” Dane said. As they passed into the house, Michael clapped him affectionately on the back.
“Is that my twin?” Alissa called from the other room.
“Yes it is!” Caitlin called back, and in another few seconds Alissa had hurried into the hallway. The sisters hugged as Pearl scampered eagerly into the living room, probably excited about all of the good smells that were coming from it.
“What’s for dinner?” Michael asked, sniffing the air. “I smell garlic.”
“Good nose,” Alissa teased. “There’s definitely some garlic on the menu. We’ve got cheesy garlic bread, salad, and three different kinds of homemade pizza.”
“Oh, amazing!” Caitlin pressed a hand to her stomach, as if already anticipating filling it up with delicious food. “Did you try out that recipe you wanted to? The one with arugula and mushrooms?”
“Yes! It’s incredible,” Alissa said.
“Arugula?” Michael said in pretend horror.
“Don’t worry.” Alissa laughed. “There’s a regular ‘meat lovers’ pizza too. I made that for you boys.”
“Perfect.” Dane and Michael shared a satisfied look.
Before they could start toward the living room, the doorbell rang again.
“Oh, that must be Marsha and Willis and their guest!” Alissa said eagerly.
Dane opened the door again—and sure enough, there was Marsha and Willis and another man he didn’t recognize at first. The man appeared to be in his early sixties, with dark brown hair flecked with gray, broad shoulders, and some stubble. He was wearing a red hat and smiling good-naturedly. In another moment Dane recognized him as Everett Howell, a man he’d met at a couple of different social events before.
“Thanks so much for inviting us, Dane,” Willis said, shaking his hand firmly. “This is my friend Everett. I believe you’ve met him before?”
“Yes. Nice to see you again, Everett,” Dane said. He liked the older man. Everett gave the impression of someone who worked long and hard but had still managed to keep an optimistic spirit. He remembered having an interesting conversation with him about fishing and admiring Everett’s knowledge and enthusiasm.
“Everett!” Alissa stepped forward to shake the fisherman’s hand eagerly. “So good to see you again. I didn’t realize you were going to be Marsha and Willis’s guest. I might have experimented with making a fish pizza.”
Dane and Michael groaned, and Everett laughed warmly. “The world may not be ready for a fish pizza,” he said, still chuckling, “but I appreciate the thought. I do love fish.”
“Well, next time you come over, we can make fish,” Alissa promised.
“I’ll bring it. Earn my keep,” he joked.
They continued to joke and banter as they all made their way to the living room. Johanna was sitting in an armchair, reading a book to Pearl, who was sitting near her on the couch. When the group stepped through the doorway, Johanna looked up curiously. Her eyes locked onto Everett immediately.
“I don’t know you, do I?” she asked.