Page 135 of The System
“I’ve never done that before,” Marin shared. “I always thought dry-cleaning was a rich person thing.”
“Well, we’ll get our stuff cleaned together, then. I’ll show you how to do it.”
“Okay,” Marin replied. “But you won’t be mad if I, like, stretch it out? I’ve put a little weight on, so I don’t–”
“You’ve put good weight on. When I first met you, you weighed at least twenty pounds less than you should. You look really good, Marin.”
“Will there be any single guys at this thing, or will it be all lesbians?”
Kieran laughed and said, “I don’t know. I haven’t seen the guest list. But I told you to invite Frank.”
“Why would I do that?” Marin turned away from the full-length mirror in the bedroom and pretended like she had no idea why Kieran would bring Frank up in this context.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you two hang out all the time now. Didn’t you have coffee just yesterday?”
“I work at the lawyer diner. He was just there, and I was there. That was all.”
“Really? He sits at the bar whenever you’re working behind it and always finds a booth when you’re working the tables.”
“Don’t say, ‘Working the tables.’ That makes it sound dirty or shady or something,” Marin said. “And these shoes are fancy, too.”
“They are not.” Kieran laughed. “He likes you, Marin. I can tell.”
“Just because you walk in sometimes with your soon-to-be-district-attorney girlfriend and see us talking, doesn’t mean we like each other. He’s a decent guy. That’s all. Hey, why is this wedding thing today, anyway? Didn’t you say it was supposed to have happened already?” Marin asked, trying to change the subject.
“It was, yeah. Hollis and Raleigh moved the date back when they decided to have another kid. I guess, initially, they wanted to wait until after they were married to adopt, but they still started the process, thinking it would take years, and they found their little girl after only a few months. They brought her home and didn’t want to have to deal with a wedding and a honeymoon right away when Eden just got a little sister. So, they postponed, and now, they’ll both be flower girls today, so it worked out.” Kieran paused and decided to change the subject back. “So, if there are a few single guys there tonight, want me to introduce you, and you might end up taking one home or seeing if they want to go get a drink or something?”
“I’m not looking to hook up,” Marin said. “But, like, maybe.”
“Maybe you want to hook up?”
“Maybe it’s been a while, yeah, Kieran. If you must know, it’s been a long time, so I wouldn’t mind having sex with someone tonight.”
“Call Frank. He’ll come to the wedding and–”
Marin threw a pillow from the bed at her and asked, “God, why do you have so many pillows?”
“Carina’s thing. I put up with it. I think I should see if there’s a patch or something to help her get over this pillow obsession. We were supposed to limit it to three, but she’s got at least six on here. The best or, maybe, the worst part is that I don’t ever know where she gets them. I just come home, and there’s a new pillow. Where does she find them? When does she even have the time to buy them?”
“And you love it, don’t you?” Marin asked with a smile. “This newfound domestic bliss.”
Kieran smiled back and said, “Yeah, it’s great. It’s crazy sometimes that it’s already been a year and a half with her, and I’ve lived here for six months, but it’s great. I love it. I love her.”
“I can tell,” Marin replied. “And thanks for getting me this stuff, really.”
“You don’t have to thank me.”
“Yeah, I do. I owe you so much money, Kieran. I promise, I’ll pay you back. I just need to find a second job since I only get about twenty hours a week at the diner.”
“Hey, you don’t have to pay me back. And if you need a second job, get one, but not because of me, okay?”
“I’ll at least buy your drinks tonight. Carina’s, too.”
“It’s an open bar, Marin.”
“Yeah, I know.” Her sister winked at her.
“So, Frank?”