Page 22 of The System
Carina tilted her head then and said, “Kieran, I need to make sure you don’t do something stupid and delete the logs.”
“Why would I–”
“The less evidence I have that you were at home, the more Diego could use this to help your sister by suggesting that you could’ve done it and just worn gloves. My guess is you already know all that, though, which is why you told me that he was in his office, mentioning the hours of eight to eleven specifically, when you know the crime occurred, and that he wouldn’t be able to tell if you’d left.”
Kieran lifted an eyebrow and said, “You can send your tech over to get the logs whenever. I have a computer that I use for work, but that one is my gaming computer. It’s expensive and not easily portable, so I’d prefer it to stay in my apartment.”
“Yes, video games. I play.”
“Seriously, apparently, if you have a whole computer for it.”
“Almost went pro.”
“Pro in video games?”
“Yes.” Kieran laughed. “That’s a thing. People can make a lot of money in it if they’re good.”
“Are you good?”
“Entered a few competitions and came in second in two of them and third in another. I won some prize money, but I mostly play for fun.”
“Well, I wouldn’t want to take that away from you. I’ll have someone follow you home with an officer and–”
“An officer?”
“Chain of custody and to make sure there’s a witness to the tech pulling the logs. Precaution.”
“And the following-me-home thing?”
“Same reason,” Carina said with a shrug.
“Diego will want to be there, too.”
“He’s your ex-husband, so that’s really up to you, but, Kieran, don’t let him represent you. If you feel like you need an attorney – and I don’t think you do – find someone else. Someone from his firm, if you want, but not him.”
“I get it,” Kieran replied. “Am I free to be followed home now?”
Carina laughed and said, “Yes.”
When the door ultimately closed behind Kieran Hart, Carina thought to herself that this had been the best meeting with a possible witness that she’d had in a long time. Hell, maybe ever.
Kieran hadn’t ever been this nervous in her life. She’d been nervous on her wedding day, but that didn’t compare. She’d also been late once and worried she’d gotten pregnant, but after taking three tests and getting her period later that night, the nervousness had gone away, and she’d moved on. This, though… This was meeting a twin sister that she never knew she had, and in county jail, of all places, because that twin sister had been arrested for murder. The arraignment would be the following morning, but because they’d transported Marin there that day, Kieran had been able to get in to see her. She signed in, with Diego doing the same, and sat in the room where they’d wait until they were permitted to go inside.
“Remember that while you’re in the room, attorney-client privilege won’t apply. So, you can spend some time with her, but we only get an hour, and I need to confer with my client. You’ll have to step out then and wait for me out here.”
“I know.”
“And, Kieran, you know I won’t be able to tell you anything we talk about, so don’t ask, okay?”
“I was married to a lawyer for a very long time, Diego. I know how it works,” she replied. “Can you wait out here? I want to meet her alone.”
“Yes, but she’s in jail, Kieran: anything you two talk about will be recorded.”