Page 15 of Flogging Faith
Faith shot Bex a look.
“Or not!” Bex said laughing. “Not a fan of camping then?”
“Absolutely not,” said Faith. “I’m a woman of a certain age. I need a proper bed, thank you very much.”
“A woman of a… aren’t you in your twenties?”
“Yes.” Faith wasn’t entirely certain what that had to do with anything. “And I have become accustomed to a certain way of life. Namely sleeping in a proper bed with a proper mattress.”
Bex sounded more than slightly bemused. “I shall escort you back to your room once we are done then, and you can get back into your bed.”
That sounded right, only there was something about it that Faith wasn’t entirely convinced by. “We can get into my bed. It’s big enough for the both of us. And besides, we can’t have you roaming the halls on your own, Bex. Anything could happen!”
Bex nodded and stroked her hair. “Whatever you want, pickle.”
Slowly, subspace retreated and Faith found her thoughts becoming less jumbled and more coherent. She didn’t say anything at first, just continued to lie with her head in Bex’s lap, letting the Domme stroke her hair. This was very peaceful. Even with subspace receding further and further backward, Faith found herself smiling.
“I went pretty deep, huh?” she asked.
“Just a little bit,” said Bex. “I guess I should take it as a compliment, though I wonder if I should have stopped earlier.”
“I’m glad you didn’t,” said Faith. “I really was having the best time. But I wasn’t joking about my bed. It’s going to get busy in the Dungeon I think; would you like to come back? And we can continue what we started…”
Leaving the Dungeon had felt a little awkward. Bex had managed to rescue her blazer from where she’d tossed it across the sofa, and Faith had straightened her dress, and tried to tidy her hair so it didn’t give off “just been fucked vibes” quite so much.
The two of them had smiled shyly at the tattooed security guard as they’d walked by, and he’d smiled back at them, nodding at them over the top of his book—which appeared to be a romance novel.
They held hands in the elevator way up to the third floor, and Bex started planning all the ways in which she was going to make this delightful for Faith. But she needn’t have bothered because the moment they entered Faith’s suite, she backed Bex up against the wall and kissed her.
Turned out that Bex loved it when Faith backed her up against the wall and kissed her.
It did all kinds of funny things to her knees.
Faith’s enthusiasm, and the little desperate whimpers she emitted as they kissed, were overwhelmingly adorable. So much so that Bex’s knees threatened to give way altogether.
It wasn’t that she was trying to take charge though—if you didn’t understand who Faith was, what she wanted, Bex supposed it could have been interpreted as topping from the bottom, but she understood that wasn’t what this was.
This was pure, unadulterated joy.
Bex was reminded of those peals of laughter whilst she’d flogged Faith earlier.
Sex had always been fun—kink even more so—but she’d never experienced it as joyous before.
Faith broke away and laughed. “Come on, my bed’s this way.”
It was Bex’s turn to back Faith up, but this time it wasn’t against a wall, she kept guiding Faith backward until the mattress of the bed met the back of Faith’s knees.
“Oops,” laughed Faith, and Bex slipped her hand into Faith’s hair and pulled the other woman flush against her.
“Are you ready?”
Trusting eyes blinked up at her. “Absolutely. Are you ready?”
Was she? Bex wasn’t entirely certain sleeping with Faith wouldn’t completely upend her life, but there was an insistent tugging in her heart that told her this was happening, so she was going to have to get used to it, and sharpish.
“Strip for me,” Bex said, and stepped back to watch Faith shed her clothes, as she started on the buttons of her own blazer.