Page 24 of Flogging Faith
Joining her in the cart, he gave her directions which led her across a green field toward a thicket of trees.
Bex didn’t know all that much about trees. She knew a little about elms, considering Brighton back home was the custodian of the National Elm Collection. One of her friends had made trees their special interest and Bex was able to recall that there were over 125 different types of elms in Brighton alone—more than anywhere else in the world.
But trees in general? Not her specialty.
These trees though? Even Bex could tell that they were special.
They had spindly silver trunks, with the bark bursting out in dark lines—just like the marks from a cane on a submissive’s skin. Taller than almost any tree she’d seen before, they towered above her, green leaves dancing on the wind.
“These are quaking aspens,” said Lucas. “They’ve got the flex you want; now we just need to find a branch.”
Bex stared up at the leaves bobbing on the breeze. One floated down, and she caught it in her hand. “It’s shaped like a heart!” she said, delightedly.
“Yes, that is rather lovely,” said Lucas. “Oh, over here!”
The perfect branch was nestled at the foot of a few trees. It was long, but felt right in Bex’s hand, and made a very satisfying swish when she brought it down through the air.
“That’ll work well enough?”
“It’s perfect,” she said. “Thank you, Lucas.”
Carting said branch through the lobby got some raised eyebrows, and when she’d explained to Luna exactly why she needed it, Luna had grinned. As Bex approached the desk, Luna picked up the phone and called the Dungeon security guard from the previous day up to the check-in desk.
“Drake, could you take this branch and this bag down to private playroom six please? And it needs to be set up like this.” She outlined Bex’s plan and Drake looked impressed.
“Wow, is this for you and your lady from last night?”
“Yeah, it is,” said Bex, grinning widely. “She’s going to absolutely love it. I said that I’d have it all set up in an hour, which is in about half an hour—is that doable?”
“Absolutely,” said Drake. “Leave it with me.”
As they were talking, a tall man came out of the office by the check-in desk.
“Hi, Master Derek,” said Luna.
“Mr. Hawkins,” said Bex, offering him her hand. “So nice to meet you.”
“Most people call me Master Derek,” smiled Derek, and chuckled at the expression on her face. As if knowing the Domme had no intention of referring to anyone as Master, but also had no intention of being rude either, he assured her, “Mr. Hawkins is just fine though. How’re you finding your stay? You said it’s your first time at a play space here in the US?”
“That’s right,” she said. “My best friend—who was my reference, I believe—owns a club back home, and I’d been missing some playtime. Your staff are incredibly accommodating. Rawhide is one of the best run places I’ve ever seen, and the amenities are genuinely excellent. I’ll definitely be coming back for longer than a weekend visit.”
“We’d be delighted to have you,” he said. “I believe you’ve been spending quite a bit of time with Ms. Faith.”
She met his gaze head-on. “Yes, that’s right.”
He didn’t say very much, just looked at her, and Bex had the uncanny feeling he was seeing right to the center of her feelings for Faith. “That sounds like it could be a really beneficial experience for the two of you.”
And despite the fact she knew he was checking her over and making sure her intentions were good, she couldn’t help beaming at him. “She’s amazing.”
Derek Hawkins smiled back. “I’m glad. Sometimes we find that person who just completes us, and those beneficial experiences can transform us.”
“Transformation seems to be the word of the day.” She just shook her head when he looked at her questioningly. “Luna and Drake have been amazing in setting up quite a complicated scene for us, so I’m very grateful.”
Luna merely waved away her thanks. “Just doing my job,” she said.
“And you’re very good at it,” her boss said. “Can you send Sadie in to see me when she comes down from the Littles’ Wing?”
“Absolutely, Master Derek.”