Page 30 of Flogging Faith
“If you wash the paint off,” said Faith, sniffling a little bit, “I won’t be a rainbow girl anymore.”
“Oh, pickle,” said Bex. “You’ll always be my rainbow girl, paint or no paint.”
That made logical sense, Faith knew that, but she wasn’t feeling very logical right now. Nothing felt logical about any of this.
“Okay,” said Bex. “I think you might be experiencing some sub drop. So we’ve a couple of options here: we can continue with the shower and then get you wrapped up in fluffy towels after; we can wrap you up in fluffy towels now; or we can have some fun time in the shower together. I think all three of those are decent enough options.”
Faith looked at her eagerly. “Fun shower times,” she said. “As long as I get to pick what we do.”
Bex looked wary but nodded. “We can do that.”
“Your turn to sit down then!” Faith said and moved Bex to sit exactly as she had been sitting moments ago. And then Faith took up the spot on the floor that Bex had just vacated.
From this angle, she could see all of Bex. The way her full breasts swung slightly, each time she moved, the swell of her belly above her thighs, and that perfectly round face.
“I’d like to taste you, please.”
Bex met her eyes, and slowly nodded. “If you’re sure?”
“I’m sure,” said Faith, and with gentle hands, pushed Bex’s knees apart.
Her clit was pretty and a dark pink, as if Bex had been wanting this for a very long time.
“I think you want me,” said Faith, and she was delighted when Bex swore.
“Of course, I fucking want you. You’re my rainbow girl and you’re all bouncy and chirpy and naked. You’re so very very naked for me and?—”
Faith had decided that that was enough talking from Bex, so she leaned forward and sucked on that pretty clit as hard as she could.
Faith grinned. That one word had been very heartfelt.
It turned out that as sweary as Bex was in day-to-day life, it was nothing compared to what she was like when Faith was eating her out.
And she tasted delicious. A slight tang with a sweetness behind it. Faith could have lost herself in that forever. Could have drowned in it.
Might well drown in it because Bex was wet, dripping over Faith’s tongue and then, as she added them, over her fingers too.
She angled her head so she could breathe out of one nostril, a movement that must have made her look a little ridiculous, she was sure, but she must have brushed up against a sensitive spot because Bex groaned. And then hands were in her hair, urging her closer.
Bex began to move against her tongue, riding her face the way Faith had dreamed of, and the tiles beneath her knees faded away and all there was, was this.
Her scent, her taste, her fingers firm against Faith’s scalp, almost massaging her as they guided her. Her thighs were either side of Faith’s face, thick thighs which felt soft against her skin, and they were beginning to tremble.
They were going to tighten around her, Faith could tell, keep her in place until Bex came upon her tongue and she wanted it. She longed for it.
And for the first time, Faith was beginning to realize she deserved this.
She deserved to have someone who cherished her, who thought up cute dates and incredible play scenes, who made Faith’s pleasure her goal, and let Faith taste her.
Faith deserved happiness.
There was a shout above her, and Bex’s fingers tightened, before suddenly going slack as she writhed beneath Faith’s mouth.
“Fuck, rainbow girl. I’m coming. Faith, I’m coming!”