Page 33 of Flogging Faith
“You, please,” said Bex.
It was obvious to Faith that Bex was worrying about whether she was misinterpreting what Faith had said, because that was exactly the kind of thing that Faith tended to worry about herself.
“Well, I’d like us to date,” said Faith. “I don’t really know what that looks like exactly, because I’m not exactly experienced in this whole relationship thing.”
Bex looked thoughtful. “Exclusively?”
Faith’s stomach sank. She’d considered trying polyamory before, and she knew people for whom it worked very well, but she didn’t know if she had the nervous system for it. The idea of Bex dating her and then dating someone else, made her feel small and insignificant. She’d never had someone make her their main priority, and if she were polyamorous, she’d constantly worry if that was going to happen here too. “I mean, I’d prefer to be exclusive.” She tried to keep her tone light, but her emotions were churning underneath.
“Good,” said Bex. “It might be selfish of me, but I don’t like the idea of you with anyone else.”
The sigh of relief Faith let out was loud. Bex looked up at her and laughed. “Oh shit, you were worried about it too? We’re a bit of a pair, aren’t we?”
“Just a little bit,” said Faith. “Okay, so why don’t we say that we’re dating? And the rest of it will all fall into place in time, I’m sure.”
“That sounds good,” said Bex, and smiled shyly.
“Now can I finish eating my mac and cheese?” Faith knew she sounded slightly grumpy, but mac and cheese!
“Absolutely,” said Bex.
The film they picked out was one with lots of explosions, something beyond silly, and the perfect end to the perfect day. They curled up on the couch together, not bothering with clothes, and covered themselves with a big blanket.
This time it was Faith who fell asleep first, drifting off, curled up against Bex, and snoring intermittently, from the way she jerked awake every now and then.
Bex looked beyond amused by the whole situation.
“Are you literally snoring yourself awake?” she asked and Faith had merely stuck her tongue out and commented that Bex should invest in a pair of very good earplugs.
They tumbled into bed together, fairly early, and were both conked out within minutes. No time for sexiness or making out because they’d managed to tucker themselves out completely.
Faith woke up first again, the next morning.
Bex was still asleep next to her, but instead of getting up and making breakfast again, Faith rolled over and cuddled up close. Bex mumbled something and rolled over until she was spooning Faith.
She liked how their respective roles in a scene didn’t determine who was big spoon and who was little spoon. She liked both positions, she’d discovered this weekend, although this morning Bex curled up against her was doing things to Faith.
She wriggled her ass where she fit against Bex and Bex groaned sleepily and bit her shoulder.
Faith squeaked, and Bex flung an arm over her and pulled her back close. “Hush up, squeaky. Lie here and feel all silky against me.”
“I’m not squeaky!” said Faith in what was, it had to be admitted, a squeaky voice.
Bex bit her neck this time, and then sucked and kissed, and Faith proved Bex’s point by making a whole array of noises that ranged from high pitched to ones only dogs could hear. She felt the rumble of Bex’s laugh before she heard it, and it heated her skin.
“My squeaky toy,” said Bex, and rolled over until she was above Faith, nestled between her legs.
She ground up against her, and Faith was wet. Very fucking wet.
“Kiss me,” she whispered, and Bex leaned down and did just that. Soft butterfly kisses that peppered her jawline and her cheeks until finally—finally—she reached Faith’s lips.
Faith almost sighed into that kiss, melting in Bex’s arms.
Bex ground against her again, making little circular motions with her hips and Faith whispered, “More.”
“More? You want more, rainbow girl?”
“Yes. Right now.”