Page 41 of Flogging Faith
“Sounds amazing, love,” said Bex. “You really do spoil me.”
Faith wasn’t quite so sure about that. Ever since they’d gotten back from Rawhide Ranch, she and Bex had been almost inseparable, to the point where Bex had cleared out a bedside table and a couple of drawers of her dresser for Faith to keep her things in.
If anything, Bex was the one spoiling Faith.
Faith spun on the spot, and saw where Bex was frozen, staring at the table. “What? What’s the matter?”
“Where on earth did you…? How did you…? Faith,” Bex said finally. Maybe she’d finish a sentence this time. “Faith, you can’t get most of this food over here. Is that Ribena? Did you get me Ribena?”
Faith sent a silent prayer of thanks towards Riley and Wendy, who’d shipped goodness only knows how many British goodies and treats to Faith’s work over the last month.
“I mean, I had some help, but yes.”
Bex came around the table and caught Faith up in her arms. “You, rainbow girl, are the best girlfriend ever! What would I do without you?”
“I’m not sure you want me to answer that,” said Faith, who truly wasn’t.
“Neither do I,” said Bex, and kissed her.
Kissing Bex never got old. In fact, Faith was convinced it got better every time their lips met. She leaned into her girlfriend and savored the moment. The quiet before the storm.
Eventually though, she had to pull away. “People will be here soon,” she said, and right on cue, the elevator dinged.
“Happy birthday!” chorused the group they found inside. And then Mandi and Tay were bounding through, followed by Amelia holding a pile of presents and Chef Guilia with what looked like a birthday cake.
Bex hugged each of them, and her mouth dropped open when she saw the traditional Italian birthday cake Chef Guilia had made. “That looks incredible!” she said.
“The rest of the food is less exciting,” said Faith, pointing towards the beige spread that had sent Bex into raptures. “But I have it on good authority that it’s yummy.”
“You’d better believe it!” said Bex. “There’re stuffed Yorkshires, Amelia.”
Amelia looked a little nonplussed. “Isn’t Yorkshire a place? How can you stuff it?”
Bex slung her arm around the older woman’s shoulder and walked her over to the spread, talking about savory pancakes and roast beef fillings.
“I put here?” asked Chef Guilia, and quietly went and set up the cake.
“Everything still in place for the big arrival?” asked Tay.
Faith nodded. “And I don’t think she suspects a thing, either.”
“Brilliant,” said Tay. “Wow, this is exciting. Surprises are so much better when you know you’re not going to get punished for them after.”
“Those aren’t surprises though, Tay,” pointed out Mandi. “Those are pranks.”
“Oh yeah,” said Tay, and they grinned mischievously. “Pranks.”
The sound of a phone cut through the hum of conversation, and Bex grabbed hers from her back pocket and apologized to everyone. “So sorry, it’s my best friend, she’s in the UK. Hey, Riley!” she said, answering the call. “Faith surprised me with a… wait a second. Is that…?”
She fell into silence and ran towards the elevator. There was a ding and the doors opened slowly to reveal two women, holding hands, and beaming at Bex.
“You fucking arsehole,” said Bex as she threw her arms around Riley and burst into tears.
“It’s okay,” said Riley, patting her friend calmly on the back. “She gets a bit emosh when people are nice to her. That’s why it’s important to have good friends, isn’t it, Bex?” she added. “So that you get used to it.” Riley seemed as nice in person as she did over the phone, and Bex was clearly delighted to see her. Riley’s partner, Wendy, was an older lady, with white hair and a trim figure.
“Hello,” she said quietly. “It’s lovely to finally meet you, Faith. I’m Wendy.”