Page 106 of The Pakhan
“You know that’s not possible since you belong to me.” I shifted through the water and the electricity tingled all my senses. I could easily become a crazed man, ignoring all common sense and decency. Perhaps it was damn good we had an audience.
She shrugged. “I can escape any time I want to.”
Within two seconds flat, I was crowded in front of her, planting both hands on the edge of the pool. I allowed her space.
For now.
“Not possible. Wherever you go, and no matter how many people you enlist to help you in your escape, I will find you. When I want something or someone, there isn’t a single entity on this earth or act of God that will keep me from hunting, capturing, and keeping what already belongs to me.”
She shivered visibly, slowly turning her head. “Why me?”
“Why? You dare to ask why?”
“Yeah. I’m a former pink-haired girl who prefers holey tennis shoes and jeans, sweatshirts and watching scary movies versus going out to five-star restaurants or dancing until dawn. I’m boring. Old-fashioned. I like computers and sticking my nose into a book. I enjoy ice cream cones and chocolate truffles. I could eat an entire sixteen-inch pizza by myself. I abhor precious jewels and most fancy cars. Well, kind of.” She grinned, her lower lip quivering, which was entirely too adorable. “And I love, love taking long hot showers and languishing on Sunday mornings in bed with a mimosa even with cheap champagne.”
The way she brushed her finger down my chest had the same electric effect. I was hard as a rock, my balls so tight I could easily fuck her like some wild animal right here in the middle of the beautiful, sunny day. “And you believe that’s not something I hunger for or would enjoy?”
As she lifted her sunglasses, giving me one of her hard looks, I couldn’t help but be amused. “You live in a ten-million-dollar mansion. You have several cars worth well into six figures each. You have the most amazing, expensive attire of any man I’ve ever known. You always have. Even when I was a kid visiting, you were almost always wearing perfectly tailored twelve-thousand-dollar suits, and I’m certain my figures are low. You have staff working for you, enjoy fancy-dancy restaurants and how many watches do you own? Thirty? I bet each one cost more than I will ever make in a year. So, yeah, I find it tough to believe you could enjoy all those simple things, even some that cost little or no money.”
I lowered my head, giving her a stern look. “I’ll give you a hint. Watching the three movies with you the other night with empty cartons of Chinese food and an empty box where a sixteen-ounce pizza had once nestled was one of the best times I’ve ever had in my life. I’ve never laughed so hard and I thoroughly enjoyed holding you as you cringed during the slasher movie.” I removed her sunglasses, placing them on the pool deck. I longed to see her beautiful eyes. “Lady. You’re what I’ve been hoping for but had refused to find since Tonja passed. And just to think, that woman is Sofiya’s best friend.”
We both laughed.
“Of course, I’m not into cradle robbing,” I admitted.
“Oh, that would make you one kinky man.” She scrunched up her nose. “I’m being serious though.”
“What makes you think I’m not? Yes, my life is not traditional by any means. And yes, there will always be aspects of danger that I can’t control but I have ways of keeping someone safe.”
“I’m not worried about safe. I could walk across the road and get hit by a bus. I’m just… I need a life too. I’m not a pampered poodle.”
“And I don’t ever want you to be. You’re far too intelligent and creative.”
Her eyes lit up as if I’d finally said the right thing.
“Are my daughters treating you okay?”
Her giggle made my heart swell. “I read them the riot act.”
“For God’s sake. No. I didn’t need to. They brought me a gift and told me they were sorry. We’re all good. That means…”
I didn’t need an invitation. I captured her mouth, savoring every moment of being with her in the very simple way she preferred. It was just as much of a shock to me as I was certain it was to her. I wrapped my fingers around her neck, tilting her head with my thumb. As she slipped her arms around me, a strange feeling settled into my system.
It was time to let go of the past.
“Hey, now. Kids. There is a time and place for kinky passion,” Sofiya teased.
“In other words, get a room,” Daniella added.
I pulled away and shook my head. Family. I’d been forced to realize I’d taken that for granted, allowing twenty plus years to go by of loneliness. That stopped right now.
“Have a drink. Maybe it will cool you down.” Sofiya crouched down, her grin just as mischievous as the woman.
I’d barely wrapped my fingers around it when the French doors were flung open, Nikolay taking long strides toward me.
“Didn’t you hear what I said? Take the afternoon off,” I told him.