Page 14 of The Pakhan
“Anyway, we want to come see you tomorrow maybe if you have time. We have some treats for you.”
Anytime was a good time to see my daughters, although there would likely be some awkward moments. I’d need to determine how to explain Caroline’s presence so as not to blow the girl’s harrowing reality for now. Plus, her whereabouts had to remain a secret until I was ready to strike.
“Just give me a call, little birdie,” I said, my nickname for her something she hated.
“You’re in a mood. Can’t wait to see you.”
“Me too, honey.” As soon as I ended the call, tossing the phone, I covered my face with my hands. Breathing in was still somewhat difficult, even after weeks of recovery. But as the doctor had reminded me, I was fucking lucky to be alive.
Half laughing, I had a feeling the next few days would be tedious. Might as well get some work done. I shifted to the jump drive, pulling up files. There were at least eight, but every single one was password protected. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t try to break the passcode.
And I did.
However, within twenty minutes, I realized it was useless. I hired computer experts for this kind of work and paid them handsomely. It would seem my little hacker was more formidable than I’d thought. Maybe I would hire her to be on my team. I chuckled from the thought and sat back, leaning my head against the chair and closing my eyes.
Stefano Marino was a pig by anyone’s standards. He was a pompous jerk who believed in the old ways as much as my father did. He was likely still living in the regime of the Cosa Nostra back in Sicily, Italy. I’d forbidden my daughters to go there, keeping them in Milan and the outer fringes.
If what my guest had told me was true, and what she’d heard was a direct link to the shooting, I’d plan the Don’s demise carefully. I sensed a presence and tensed.
“I, um. I couldn’t sleep.”
Hearing Caroline’s voice drilled a jolt of current through every muscle and tendon. I slowly lifted my head, opening my eyes. The sight of her in my tee shirt and nothing else, her long legs leading to bare feet was almost too much for me to take. “You should at least try to get some rest.”
She walked further inside, obviously shy around me by the way she had her hands clasped together, her arms positioned in front of her.
Nothing made my libido skyrocket like a woman in a man’s tee shirt. I did what I could to look away as she dared walk closer. She had no idea she’d entered the lair of a predator. “I was just tossing and turning. I don’t sleep well in unknown places.”
The funny thing was that over the years she’d slept in either Sofiya’s or Daniella’s room several times, the girls truly becoming like the three musketeers. They’d been normal teenagers, making popcorn, sending way too many Instagram texts, and watching movies. All while laughing until three in the morning.
And I’d loved every minute of it, some of the few times I could feel like a normal father instead of a heartless monster.
I had no idea what to say to her. I should tell her to leave my office, that I had work to do, but she’d been through a traumatic experience and deserved to be in a little panic mode. “How many men broke into your place?”
She raked her hands through her hair as she closed the distance. “Four. Four huge men.”
“Did they say anything?”
As she rounded the edge of my desk, I was more uncomfortable than I’d been before given the close proximity. “Yes, but they were speaking Italian. One guy did say he wouldn’t hurt me. That’s the one I nailed with my bat.”
“Fearless but reckless.”
Caroline shrugged. “A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.”
“I’ll need to teach you about choosing your battles.”
She didn’t answer me, instead leaning over and staring at the files. “I told you that you wouldn’t be able to get into my system.” She was obviously proud of herself. With her fingers flying, she typed in various codes, which took her to three different security screens, almost none of which I was able to decipher.
“There,” she said, finally standing back and folding her arms.
Her scent was rocketing through me like wildfire and I shifted in my seat, trying to give us as much distance as possible. I concentrated on the file, noticing how much she’d acquired before being noticed. “How were you discovered?”
“I’m going to guess there was extra security on the financial transactions, even though Joshua had told me the account was almost never touched or paid attention to.”
“Joshua?” I lifted my eyebrows as I looked at her.
“My handler.”
“Where did you meet this guy?”