Page 55 of The Pakhan
“I’m not certain I’m good for myself. And seriously, he was very pointed and clear. I’m his employee and in exchange for me working for him, he’s determined to protect me.”
She had a wry smile on her face. “Looks and words can both be deceiving. When my father sets his sights on something, he refuses to back down, even to his own detriment. However, I will never call you step-mommy.”
I almost choked on the wine, my mind instantly shifting into some crazy fog. What could I say to that? That I had no intentions of becoming further involved with Vadim? That what we’d shared had simply been about… the hottest sex around? Or that I wasn’t going to surrender to his dark needs more than I already had? Yeah, well. I was certain that would go over well.
Whatever happened, I had a very bad feeling everything I’d known was about to change.
I only hoped Vadim’s entire family wouldn’t be caught in the crossfire.
“I must admit and it pains me to say but you look absolutely beautiful,” Sofiya said as she stood back, surveying my hair, my dress, and the sexy rhinestone lizard necklace I’d insisted on purchasing.
“Why does it pain you?”
“Because you’re a bitch.” She rolled her eyes when I stared at her in horror. “I don’t really think that.”
To be honest, I no longer recognized myself at all. And I was a bitch. Concentrate on your hair. Nothing more. She’d not only colored my hair blonde, she’d also removed the dead ends and added a few layers. The woman was super talented in far too many things.
With my new hairstyle being curled, and the dress making me look almost ten years older, I was stunned how different I appeared. No one would recognize the pink-haired girl who usually wore ratty jeans and playful bright red Converse sneakers.
But of course, that was the idea.
I was supposed to be some spy, although that was too strong of a word. But it was my job tonight to hang on Vadim’s arm as well as his every word, acting all mysterious while listening to see if I could recognize the voice on the audio I’d heard. It was still a tall task given my social graces were rusty.
I’d gone to many lavish parties growing up, but I’d been wearing cutesy girlie dresses and flat shoes, my hair in ribbons, and this was a far cry from that.
I twisted one way then the other, noticing how perfectly the emerald dress with the sparkling rhinestones accentuated my curves. Sofiya had even piled my hair into a loose bun, allowing tendrils of curls to float down on my face and neck. With my red lips and polished nails, I looked ready for the femme fatale part.
It was funny that I had no issue with playing a game, pretending to be someone I wasn’t. Except for being so close to Vadim. It was going to be tough to tolerate his sensual aura for hours without swooning or maybe spouting off nasty quips.
“I dunno,” I said casually.
Sofiya pushed me gently. “You look like the ultimate fantasy woman. I think this is the perfect mask.”
The mask was perfect, the Mardi Gras-style eye covering matching the hue of the dress perfectly. It had feathers and shiny gold rimming the entire piece.
“You’ll look like a masked princess.” She laughed but I could still hear the uncertain, even bitter tone in her voice.
The last thing I wanted was for her to hate me and that’s what I was terrified of.
“Do you think your father will like it?”
Now she squeezed both arms. “You’re a beautiful girl who tries to hide behind eighties grunge, which I never understood. Flaunt your hourglass figure and strut with the most powerful women in the city. You deserve to be right along beside them. As far as my father is concerned, well, I think you’ve just sealed your fate and future.”
“What does that mean?”
She snorted her laugh. “Come on. You don’t want to keep Daddy waiting.”
I groaned inwardly, but since Vadim had returned, she’d purposely ignored him. Even if I doubted she’d admit to it.
“Okay. Let’s get this over with.” I grabbed the small clutch bag with the burner phone, lipstick, and a compact. I’d been forbidden from carrying anything identifying since that would blow my cover. Okay, I had to admit this was kind of exciting, but the sexual tension was going to kick my tail. I just knew it.
She trailed behind me, not saying a word. As usual, he was in his office talking to someone. I paused just outside the door, smoothing my dress with my hands even though that wasn’t needed. It had been ages since I’d walked in heels so I had to pray I wouldn’t fall and break my neck. I held my head high, even sucking in my breath and my stomach like models did on a photoshoot, taking careful strides into his office.
Vadim was talking on the phone, facing the window.
“Yeah, I got it. Just keep an eye on the construction site, Tanner. And if anyone contacts you again, act like you’re happy to help then fucking call me. Do not screw with me or the gravel pit will be your new home.” He hissed after ending the call, aggressively shoving his phone into his pocket.