Page 71 of The Pakhan
I glanced in Vadim’s direction again, daring to brush a strand of hair from his face. He muttered softly and his lips were far too inviting. Plus, I did adore teasing him. Maybe a bit too much. I pulled my hair behind my shoulders, trying to keep loose strands from tickling him as I leaned over, lightly brushing my lips across his.
He didn’t budge, not a single muscle.
I repeated the action, stifling a giggle. He’d made me sore and happy, but my desire was already escalating again.
The fact the man had been rough enough to rip off my panties was every girl’s dream. If any woman dared tell me otherwise, I’d laugh in her face. It was like the heroes in the romance novels, the bad boys who were redeemed, falling for the single woman who could keep them grounded and happy.
When he still didn’t stir, I pulled back the sheet, taking a deep breath. What was the saying I’d heard from the past? The man was built like a brick shithouse? Oh, and then some. Holy cow, he was so muscular all over. While the almost nonexistent light couldn’t do his magnificent physique justice, I was still able to bask in his ruggedness.
Alternating between watching what I was doing and seeing if I’d awakened him, I allowed myself to play, barely touching him as I brushed my finger down from his ear to his chest. He had the broadest shoulders of any man I’d seen, especially up close. To think he could be mine was…
Was it possible?
Well, if this was a dream, so be it.
I continued enjoying myself, circling his bellybutton and inching down further. There was something so very sexy about the fluffy hair surrounding a man’s cock. It was a thing of beauty and I found myself holding my breath. The thought of having a man’s cock in my mouth had never made it water before. I could remember when I’d thought the concept disgusting. But with him, anything was possible.
And more important, I was willing to surrender to anything he wanted as well.
After darting my eyes toward his face, I carefully widened his knees, mindful of his injured leg. I couldn’t imagine what kind of pain he was experiencing. As I crawled in between, he finally shifted, moaning something in his sleep.
A part of me had thought the man never slept, potentially was a vampire. Watching him remain relaxed made me feel good, as if our connection was strong and right.
I returned to my delicious tormenting of him, running my index finger around his cockhead. Immediately it twitched, already becoming hard. Dear God, my mouth was watering. I wasn’t going to be able to keep from tasting him. But I played for another full minute, running my finger through his coarse hair, raking my nail down the length of his shaft to his thick balls.
For some reason, I’d always thought of a man’s testicles as being smaller, but his were huge, heavy with seed.
I wanted him to fill my mouth and throat with cum. The thought was freeing, something I could never admit to anyone.
Biting back a giggle, I brushed my finger around one testicle then the other before rolling them between my fingers. I smiled as his body tensed.
I was more than enthused, just as aroused as the man.
I finally couldn’t stand the torment for myself any longer, wrapping one hand around the base of his shaft and holding it completely aloft. The feel of having it pulse in my hand was amazing. I stroked him up and down slowly, forced to take shallow breaths as the excitement continued to build. Could I fuck this man while he was completely asleep? Was that considered taking him without permission? Hmmm…
A slight moan bubbled to the surface as I lowered my head, finally darting my tongue back and forth across his sensitive slit.
Vadim stirred slightly but I was shocked I hadn’t awakened him. Maybe I wasn’t doing this right.
I licked all the way down the underside of his shaft, dragging my tongue around one ball before sucking on the other. His scent was musky, the taste tangy, and my mind was blown by how amazing this was. Did he have any way of knowing what he was doing to me, asleep or otherwise? I had a feeling he did and loved every minute of the complete control.
But for now, he was all mine to do with what I pleased.
I decided to take advantage of that, taking my time savoring the flavor and the way his body responded even in slumber. I allowed my tongue to zig and zag across his shaft, his cock now fully engorged. When I reached the tip again, there was no holding back. I engulfed the entire cockhead, using my strong jaw muscles to suck fervently.
He finally issued a single moan, but nothing after that. Was it possible he could sleep through this? Maybe my technique was off.
But I wasn’t done yet. I took more of his cock inside my mouth, sucking as I swirled my tongue back and forth. The taste was stronger than before, fueling my senses. He was still not stirring so I closed my eyes, taking the time to improve my technique. As I started going up and down on his thickness, he throbbed more, his cock increasing in size. Was that even possible?
I squeezed my mouth muscles, clamping around his shaft as my pussy muscles usually did. This was sweet and amazing and I couldn’t seem to stop, taking more and more. When the tip hit the back of my throat, I pushed harder until my lower lip was positioned on his balls.
A slight gag almost erupted from my throat, but I squelched it, relaxing my throat and going up and down like some pro. Ha. That would never be me.
I was completely enjoying myself, so much so it took a few seconds for me to realize I was being watched. As I pulled off his cock until I was able to glance at his face, I realized the man was smiling.