Page 81 of The Pakhan
“I don’t think we need to be nasty, sis,” Sofiya finally interjected. “I already told you they were involved.” Her tone wasn’t necessarily any better than her sister’s but at least she didn’t have the same hatred in her eyes.
A horrible wash of realization kicked into my system. What the hell had I done by even coming to Vadim for help? The tiny nagging voice in the back of my mind reminded me that I’d had no other choice if I’d wanted to live. That had been proven by almost being killed again.
But this wasn’t just awkward. It was damaging to too many lives.
“Neither one of you do. The simple fact is that Caroline is in my life whether you understand or want it. So, I suggest you both get used to the idea.” His tone was stern but whether or not he was looking at me, wondering about my reaction I had no clue about. I couldn’t look any of them in the eyes.
In my mind, the best thing for me to do was to help figure out the mystery and get the hell out of their lives.
The thought was terrible and something I didn’t want to face, but I was just being a realist.
“You’ll forgive me if I don’t understand the appeal,” Daniella retorted.
“Enough!” he snapped. “What are you doing here?”
It was my cue to leave. I did my best to skirt around the two girls, two women who’d once been my friends. The ache in my heart was entirely different than anything I’d felt before. It was as if clawed fingers had wrapped around my throat and I was close to suffocating.
“Just stop it, Danni,” Sofiya said quietly as I tried to pass. “Daddy is allowed to live his life.”
Daniella’s response shocked everyone in the room. She grabbed my arm, swinging me around, then issuing a hard slap across my face.
The jarring effect wasn’t nearly as painful as it was embarrassing but tears still sprang to my eyes.
“Daniella. You are my daughter, but you will show some respect to anyone inside this house. Is that fucking understood?” Vadim walked closer but I threw out my hand.
I was a big girl. I could fight my own battles, even if all I wanted to do was crawl under the covers and cry my eyes out. “They have every right to be angry with me. I didn’t plan this. I didn’t set my sights on your father. I never thought of him as anything but a mentor figure before all this happened. However, he’s right in that we all deserve to live our lives the way we want.” I cupped my face, holding my own as I shifted my gaze from one daughter to the other.
No one was ever going to treat me like second class because of my age or anything else. A single tear slipped past my lashes and I hated my body for betraying me this way. I was stronger than that.
Yet for all the supposed strength I had, I jerked my arm away and fled the room like some scared little girl.
Damn it. Why couldn’t I be stronger?
Because he doesn’t belong to you.
Maybe that was true, but I was the one who hadn’t laid the claim. I was certain Vadim would change his mind given their hatred of me. Fine. I could handle it. Something had to give. I needed to be the one to figure this out.
It all had to do with the information I’d been so close to finding on the brutal night in my apartment. I bounded up the stairs, wondering if anything significant could be found by working with Vadim’s people. Once it was, I was prepared to step out of his life. That was the only thing that could happen.
Instead of returning to his room, I headed to the one I’d been given, closing and locking the door. As I stood against it, trying to collect myself, I closed my eyes. Joshua was in danger. I’d felt it from that moment I knew my search had been discovered. But the guy acted as if nothing could hurt him. I glanced around the room, trying to remember where I’d left the clutch.
Had he tried to call me back?
I searched the bedroom, including under the pillows just in case. I doubted I’d put it inside a dresser drawer, but I checked anyway, becoming more frustrated.
Hissing, I turned in a full circle, finally heading into the bathroom. There it was. I’d tossed it on the bathroom counter. Why were my hands shaking other than out of anger? Because I wasn’t used to being treated the way I’d just been.
I had to shake it aside for now. As soon as I grabbed the phone, I almost felt relief that he’d called back after our connection had been lost.
After glancing over my shoulder to make certain Vadim hadn’t forced himself into the room, I half closed the door and pulled up the voicemail. His voice was startling.
And it rattled me to my core.
“Listen to me, Pink Flamingo. There are some things you need to know. I wasn’t honest with you and that’s my fault. I’m going to need to trust you. I have something that will blow this city wide open and you’re the only one who can bring justice and peace.”
What the hell was he talking about? I’d never heard this kind of fear in his voice. He’d always been a cocky son of a bitch. I had to strain to hear the rest of the message, even playing it back twice to get all the details.