Page 85 of The Pakhan
Pops had told me all about it, being asked only at the last minute to become an auxiliary member. Fortunately for him, he’d realized that powerful men didn’t play well in the sandbox before the shit had hit the fan, including the Feds using the strangled alliance to try to make dozens of arrests.
I couldn’t care less about this limited alliance lasting for long. In fact, I had no intention of allowing that to occur, but either the person behind the attempt to control the city would be flushed out or we’d all be placed on high alert.
Which was necessary if we wanted to continue operating successfully.
Aleksander had also been smart enough to select a neutral territory, a Catholic church both the Italians and the Irish frequented with their families. While my family had never been particularly religious, I’d been taught to honor the church in certain ways.
Meaning, no blood would be shed on the hallowed grounds under any circumstances.
As I drove into the parking lot of the massive cathedral, I felt a sense of awe given the stunning architecture and the meaning behind the church itself.
So many people needed hope to get them through their days and difficult lives. I wasn’t immune to the concept. I’d simply never found a reason to believe in a higher power.
Maybe that was because something in the back of my mind told me if I did, I might dwell on the fact I was going straight to hell. There wouldn’t be any get out of jail free card given my violent actions all throughout my life.
I stood staring up at the massive structure while Nikolay and Sergei exited Nikolay’s car. I’d insisted on driving myself, determined to make a statement with every action I took.
That included appearing like the powerful leader I was.
I’d popped three more ibuprofen, trying to keep my limp to a minimum. The last thing I needed was to appear weak.
As they both flanked my side, I sensed their combined tension. It could be cut with a knife.
“I don’t like this, boss. I know you have your reasons, but you could be walking into a death sentence.” Nikolay kept his voice low, as if there were listening devices everywhere.
That much I knew wasn’t the case.
“I’ve learned many things in my life, Nik, one of them being most men fear God. Two of our three men are highly religious, regularly attending church while the other practices the old ways from their ancestors when it comes to their beliefs. They won’t dare desecrate the church.”
“You’re sure we won’t catch on fire by just walking in?”
I glanced at Sergei, able to laugh. “Stop worrying. I doubt Satan is hovering around waiting for us to consider walking into any church.”
“What’s the goal here?” Nikolay asked. “Any rules?”
“First, there will be no weapons brandished. That will only make us seem weak. You are to be my eyes and ears but keep silent at this point. I’m certain they brought their men as well. Plus, the priest is a good friend of Aleksander’s family. I do not want him any more stressed than he already is. That’s not my goal. We’re going to have a short meeting and test the waters. I’ll know if it’s time to leave and will simply get up from the table. No matter what insults might be shouted, do not respond. Are we clear?”
After I looked from one man to the other, they both nodded, buttoning their jackets so their weapons wouldn’t be noticed. As I walked up the steps of the church, I scanned the busy street behind us. There would be no way of telling if soldiers from any of the other three organizations were planning an attack. They would be signing their death warrants should they consider something so egregious.
The moment I opened the doors, a strange sense of peace floated through me. The parish itself was massive, various rooms located on several floors. There was a rectory out back where the accommodations for at least three different priests were located.
Candles were lit as they always seemed to be, at least a scattered few people praying near the main altar. No one paid us any mind as we walked in. Aleksander had given me a layout of the facility, directing me to a second floor where there was a discreet conference room where the meeting could be held.
I found the stairs easily enough, walking up the flight slowly. There was no need to rush, no need to appear unnerved in any way.
The conference room was at the end of the hall overlooking the landscaped grounds. Our footsteps sounded hollow, echoing as we headed in the direction of the open door. The gothic exterior had extended to various locations inside, the wooden door reminding me of something out of the seventeen hundreds.
The Catholics certainly loved their dark drama.
Just outside the doorway, I noticed the room was already full. Of course, I’d arrived ten minutes late on purpose, wanting to be the last member to arrive.
When I walked in, I surveyed the room immediately. Various groups of men stood in the shadows, waiting as the three bosses sat as far away from each other as the long wooden table allowed. Everyone stiffened, except for Stefano. He seemed not amused but curious what I might have to say this go-around.
I headed further in, curious that one head of the table had been left open. How generous of them.
“Gentlemen. I’m glad you could make it,” I told them as I took my time sitting down. I sensed I’d been scrutinized, my actions observed like hawks hoping to find scraps of food.
They would find none.