Page 95 of The Pakhan
“Again? She is bad luck.”
“I’m going to stop you right there. You are my daughter and I love you. It doesn’t matter if you’re blood or not, you have always felt like my kin. However, that means that I deserve some level of respect. That also is extended to anyone I might choose to date or potentially marry at some point in my life. I’ve forgone having a life for far too long, which I think has become detrimental to me. I didn’t plan on what’s happened with Caroline. It just did. But, having said that, neither you nor your sister have any right to judge or interfere. If you’re angry, be angry with me and I can handle it. Caroline does not deserve your nasty words or ridiculous accusations and quite frankly, I will not tolerate you treating her badly ever again. I hope I make myself clear.”
I’d rarely needed to use tough love with either girl. Were they both spoiled? You bet. However, down inside, they were good girls who usually followed the rules.
Including those of decency.
Which is why their actions and words had caught me so off guard.
“I’m sorry, Father. I actually also called to tell you how sorry I was. It was rude of me and very childish. I care about Caroline very much and also want nothing more than to see you happy.”
Sighing, I almost laughed. “You don’t need to apologize to me. But you will with Caroline. If she wants to see you.”
“Understood. Please give her my best.”
“Will do.”
As soon as I ended the call, I barely had time to sigh from frustration when I felt Caroline’s presence.
She walked in, looking much stronger than she had before. Honestly, I was shocked that she didn’t appear any worse for the wear.
“Don’t be angry with Daniella or with Sofiya. This is just tough on them.”
I closed the distance, resisting touching her at this point. “I know but diplomacy goes a long way.”
“Sometimes that goes out the window when family is involved. You, of all people I think would know that.”
“My beautiful, thoughtful, and intelligent woman.”
“I’m just being me. Something that up until now was rare.”
“I’m glad you can be yourself around me. I need to ask you a few questions.”
“Yes, I know.”
I finally cupped her face, rubbing her soft skin until I tingled. It would be easy to ignore business around her, something I just couldn’t do. “Tell me why you disobeyed me.”
“Because Joshua begged me to come see him, telling me he had some information I needed to see and he wouldn’t tell me anything on the text or over the phone for that matter.”
I lifted a single eyebrow and immediately she blushed. “And just how did he get your burner phone number? By accident?”
“I texted him to warn him to be careful.”
“At the party. He was trying to respond when the internet went down. Only this morning I noticed he’d texted again. He seemed frantic and I was shocked he gave me his address. He swore he’d never do it, no matter how much he trusted anyone. Is the jump drive gone?”
“That remains to be seen. My experts are working on trying to retrieve any data possible. Do you have your phone?”
“No, the asshole smashed it against a wall at Joshua’s place.”
“One big text?”
“No, two. The first one mentioned the information he was hiding and the location. The second came a little later.”
“Any memory of what time he texted you?”
She wrinkled her nose and my cock twitched. “This morning. Maybe around nine? Why is that important?”