Page 90 of Merciless King
“I love you, Mr. D’Amato, and I’d love to dance.”
As we dance, I catch sight of Elysse twirling with Matteo, her little face alight with joy. My parents are chatting with Lana. They hadn’t been too thrilled about my dating Elio in high school, knowing his family. But now, I think they’re grateful to him for saving me and Elysse.
The celebrations are still going, but like Elio, I’m ready to start the honeymoon, a week of uninterrupted time just for us. We change to get ready for the short trip to the airport hotel for our wedding night, and then we fly tomorrow to some surprise Elio has set up.
I check in with my parents who will be staying with Elysse for the week. As difficult as it had been without their support during my marriage to Gabriel, I’m happy to see Elysse and my parents together again.
I help Elysse get her little suitcase, making sure she has all her favorite toys and blankets. She's bouncing with excitement, chattering away about all the fun things she's going to do with Grandma and Grandpa.
As I zip up her bag, I feel a lump form in my throat. It's the first time I'll be away from her for more than a night. I know she'll be in good hands, but it's still hard to let go.
My mom appears in the doorway, a knowing smile on her face. "Your dad and I are grateful that you’re letting us take care of her. Considering how we behaved, you’d be within your right to deny us.”
I hug my mother. “I just want to move forward.”
She nods. “You and Elio deserve this time together. Don't worry about a thing."
We make our way downstairs, where Elio and my dad are chatting quietly. Elio takes my hand, his thumb brushing over my wedding band. "Ready to go, Mrs. D'Amato?"
I grin, leaning in to kiss him softly. "More than ready, Mr. D'Amato."
We say our goodbyes, hugging Elysse tightly and promising to call every day. I slide into the passenger seat of the car while Elio gets behind the wheel. “We did it. We really did it.”
“No regrets?”
“Not one.”
He lifts my fingers to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against my skin. "I love you, Piper.”
And with that, we pull out of the driveway, ready to start our new life together.
We arrive at the hotel and are shown to the wedding suite. I’m giddy with excitement. I’m finally married to the man who stole my heart in high school. We’re a family with our beautiful daughter.
He scoops me into his arms, carrying me over the threshold. “Time for a honeymoon. How about some champagne?”
I loop my arms around his neck. “Not for me.”
He frowns. “Are you sick? You didn’t have any at the reception either.”
“I’m not sick.” My smile is so wide I can barely contain it. “I’m pregnant.”
For a moment, he's silent, his eyes widening with shock. But then, a grin spreads across his face, his joy palpable as he kisses me. “I… I’m so fucking happy, I don’t know what to say.”
“And you’ll be here for all of it.” I know it pains him to have missed so much of Elysse’s life.
He sets me down, his hands cradling my face. “You amaze me. You’ve given me life, Piper. I don’t deserve all this happiness.”
“You do. We both do.” I give him a kiss. “Now, Mr. D’Amato, I think it’s time we consummate this marriage.”
His grin is wolfish. “Whatever my beautiful bride wants.”
We tumble back onto the bed, lost in each other. I hold on to him, pouring all my love into him. As he rises over me, joins with me, I feel so happy, so grateful. I have the love of my life, the love I thought I’d lost but who is now mine, heart and soul, forever.
I stare at the computer screen, a satisfied smile playing on my lips as I read the news article about one of Rinella's boats mysteriously sinking in Lake Michigan.