Page 67 of Cardinal
Turning her head back at me, Juliet narrowed her eyes dangerously. "There is nothing to discuss about it. I am going to take part in ruining these people's lives, and if you think you can talk me out of it, then you have another thing coming for you." She didn't even have to sound threatening for me to internally shrink away in fear.
Sighingly tiredly, I flick her forehead. "I never said anything about keeping you out of it or talking you out. If you want to take part, then I am not going to stop you because lord have mercy on my bank accounts if I try."
As much as I didn't want her to, there was no stopping her. Besides, she would be safe behind her screen. Not like she would be out in the streets with us where she'd be in real physical danger.
"We just need to lay out expectations and ground rules for you, that's all, along with who you can and can't go after because of circumstances," I told her with a pointed look. "So don't get your panties in a twist, sweetheart."
The rebellious tension fell away with her shoulders as she smiled sheepishly at me. "Sorry, thought you were going to pull a macho mafia boss bullshit card."
Rolling my eyes, I gave a short, breathy chuckle and kissed her forehead. "With you? Never." Because she would raise Hell against me if I did.
Hell hath no fury like Juliet scorned.
I might actually end up in a bed of thorns next time.
Chapter 34
~1 month later~
I gasped sharply from my orgasm shattering my sensitive body. It was way too early in the morning for this shit, but like hell was I going to stop him.
Luciano's bell-tolling chuckle warmed the room as he sat back on his knees and wiped the back of his hand across his jaw. "I am never going to get enough of having you for breakfast." And I would never get over how satisfied and amazed he always looked after having his face all up between my thighs nearly every morning.
Yeah, somehow, morning head from him became a regular thing in our morning routine after the first week of me flipping out during sex. It was weird to wake up to him asking me if he could eat me out, especially in my half-asleep state.
Honestly, I misheard him that first time; I thought he asked if I wanted to eat out for breakfast. At least, in my sleepy mind, that's what it translated to. So, imagine my fucking surprise when he pulled my pants off, spread my legs, and went down on me until I saw stars and trembled uncontrollably from the aftershocks of my orgasms.
Well, I wasn't going to complain or put a stop to it. He loved it, I loved it, it was a win-win for everyone.
Crawling back up the bed, he leaned down and kissed me softly, letting me taste a hint of myself on his lips. "There's a lot that I have to do today with the others to finalize plans, so try not to get into too much trouble, alright?" He chuckled softly against my cheek before kissing it.
Rolling my eyes, I gave his cheek a little pinch. "I promise I won't buy any cars while I'm out today with Evie." I joked with a soft laugh that grew into a full-blown cackle when Luciano's fingers dug into my sides.
"You are not allowed to buy any car, period. You're lucky I even let you keep that custom-ordered one." Luciano told me with a joking smile and a serious look in his eyes.
"Not even when I need an SUV for our kids?" I joked with a dry chuckle, instantly regretting it the moment my words came into existence.
An unpleasant silence weighed down the air around us as we looked at each other awkwardly and crestfallen. "Sorry, forget I said anything." I quickly tried to push the subject away, not wanting it to damper our mood.
The subject of our long-term relationship and the matter of kids and family haven't been touched yet, and for good reason. Luciano was busy with Syndicate business while I was young and had college left to worry about. Also, our relationship was still fairly new—we hadn't even been together for half a year!
Growing up, I always knew I wanted children of my own someday, but definitely not at eighteen or in my early twenties. The notion of children with Luciano at this moment felt pleasing enough, but that didn't mean I wanted to start right now.
No matter how blatantly clear his love was for me and how much I reciprocated that. There was no guarantee that we would be together a few years down the road from now. People and their feelings change with time, so what if we naturally drifted apart as the years went on? I was still young. What if I found someone new?
Okay, that is fucking ridiculous. Me? Finding someone new and better than Luciano?
Yeah, I wanted to laugh and slap myself in the face for even thinking about giving someone else my heart. I loved Luciano greatly and couldn't imagine my life without him. I wasn't worried about Luciano leaving me either because his pure devotion to me was more than evident. Luciano was also at a point in his life where he was mostly stable, or at the very least, he had his head on straight. He wasn't some immature teen or lost young adult who had no clue about what they wanted in life.
But just because I felt good about Luciano didn't mean kids were in the cards. What if he didn't want any? What if I changed my mind about them? Either way, it was way too soon to have such a conversation.
Forcing a smile, Luciano kissed my forehead and got off the bed. "We'll cross such a bridge when, or if, we come to it." At least he didn't dig at the subject, thank goodness.
Clearing his throat, he changed the subject. "Do you want to shower with me, or are you going to laze in bed a little more?" His eyes lingered on me as he went to the dresser to pull out a shirt and some boxers.