Page 107 of Bidding War
Kitty adds, “And then we called Lewis to see if he thought it was okay.”
Anderson’s smile is unguarded. “I appreciate the effort. Thank you.”
“Lewis?” I ask.
“A physician friend of ours,” Elliot explains. “Genius surgeon. My only regret about Anderson’s care was that he was unable to attend him.”
She explains, “He was in Paris for a conference at the time.”
Once our plates are full, we dig in. It is surreal to think of everything Anderson and I have gone through with Elliot, and now, we are here, eating supper in his home. The man broke into my apartment to steal from me while me and Anderson were fucking on my bed in full view of him. Now, he passes me the gravy, and we’re making chitchat.
Life has not been anything resembling normal since I was in that auction.
I wish I understood the purpose of this supper. It cannot be something so simple as Elliot has had a change of heart about everything Anderson related. I’m in agreement with him on that. But I cannot suss out what the ulterior motive is. We’re not hiding anything from him anymore, so there are no secrets to keep track of, no subterfuge. That stress is gone now.
It's been replaced by the stress of not knowing.
The supper goes well enough, and afterward, we retire to the parlor for after dinner drinks. Kitty corners me while Anderson and Elliot stand by the fireplace. Quietly, she asks, “How are you holding up, dear?”
“It’s been a bizarre week, but I’m well. Thank you for asking. What about you?”
Her smile is mischievous. “It worked.”
“What’s that?”
“No more side work for Anderson. Elliot was more agreeable to my demands than I had expected. In fact, he gave no pushback on the matter.”
I knew that had to be her doing. “I am glad it worked out.”
She nods, and her gaze drifts toward the guys. “Perhaps something good will come of this, after all.”
I hoped so.
When we walk into my apartment, June begins, “That was … ”
“Utterly exhausting,” I finish.
“Yes!” Her head drops. “I kept waiting for your dad to drop the other shoe. I don't know. Blackmail us into something more, or come up with some new problem. I did not expect charming party guest to be in his repertoire.”
“Truthfully, neither did I. But I'm glad he has it. Wine?”
“Oh, yes, please.”
I pour two glasses and pass her one. The other I lift in a toast. “To a successful night of dinner with my parents. May we never have to do it again.”
She giggles. “Cheers!”
We sip, and I can't stop from smiling. “You did well tonight. I think my dad might actually genuinely like you. Not that fake game he was playing before.”
“I think that it is inadvisable to take anything Elliott West says at face value.” She pauses. “But, I did get that impression from him tonight. It shocked the hell out of me. And what did your mother mean about Cole being difficult?”
I don’t wanna think about him. Not when I have more important things in mind. “My younger brother has always had a penchant for trouble. Trouble that he can't get himself out of without the family's help. It's slowed down over the years, maybe because he's maturing and growing up, I don't know. I'm just glad that he's coming to a simmer instead of a rolling boil.”
“You've really gotten into those cooking shows, haven't you?”