Page 37 of Winning Bid
“Is that you or the scotch talking?”
“Please. The scotch is good, but it’s not that good. You’re right. We need a damn break, and if the world won’t give us one, then by God, we will take one.”
He smiles, his face finally relaxing. “You mean that?”
“I do. When do you want to?—"
“How about now?”
“Can’t think of a better time. Can you?”
He’s right. I shrug. “It’s like a four-hour drive to Vermont from here. Are you sure you’re up for that?”
“Absolutely. Let’s pack some bags and get the hell out of Dodge.”
“I’m feeling more relaxed already.” I pad to the bedroom and grab the luggage.
“Just one thing you have to do before we go.”
“What’s that?”
“Promise me you’re not bringing your laptop.”
I laugh, shaking my head. “Not an ice cream cone’s chance in hell am I bringing my laptop.”
He smacks my ass, then works on his own luggage. From the decision to walking out the door takes fifteen minutes, and even though every lawyer instinct in me screams this is a mistake, it’s one I want to make.
“Ican't believe we're doing this.”
“You said we needed to get away.” Changing his mind? What the hell? “Why do you sound like you're backing out now?”
He shakes his head, smiling. “I'm not. I just mean, I'm surprised I was able to talk you into this.”
“Oh.” I sit back against the passenger seat and stretch. “Well, I mean. I guess I get that. I have been a little intense.”
“Not you, baby. This situation has been intense. It's not every day you get called into questioning for a homicide.”
“Thankfully.” As the miles pass by, I wonder what people would think. Well, not people. A jury. I’m not sure what to think of it myself. But Anderson was right. We need a break. I can’t think straight in the city.
God, he looked handsome in profile. Or any other angle. Maybe my hormones are getting the best of me, but with the idea of relaxing comes the hormones. My sex drive has definitely been on the fritz. Stress, I guess. That shit really is a killer.
“Baby, why don't you go to sleep? We've already called everybody that we need to call to let them know that we're sick, and there's nothing else for you to worry about right now. I've got this.”
“That's not fair to you. I should stay up to keep you awake.”
He just smiles. “I'm not worried about what's fair to me. I want to see you bright and chipper when we get there.”
“I know you said Vermont, but where specifically are we going?”
“I booked an Airbnb for us. It's a little cabin in the woods.”