Page 40 of Winning Bid
“That’s perfect.”
“Not yet.” He jogs into the cabin and returns with a few blankets and pillows, before scooting his lounger next to mine, and we create a makeshift bed. After he gets in on his side, he takes a deep breath, sighs, and says, “Now it’s perfect. Look up.”
Above us, the sky shimmers in stars framed by bare treetops. “I forgot what the sky really looks like. You don’t get this kind of view in Boston. Too much light pollution.”
He laces his fingers with mine. “Right here, right now, it feels like our problems are so small. Across the galaxy, worlds are forming and dying, stars are burning their last bit of fuel. And who knows what kinds of problems aliens have?— “
I burst out laughing. “Aliens?”
He grins at me. “What? I can’t have theories?”
“Dazzle me with your theory, sir.”
“I’m not saying I buy into the whole little green men thing or farmers getting probed or whatever. But I think it’s either bold or egotistical to think we are the only remotely intelligent lifeforms who exist. So, yeah, sometimes, I think about what aliens could be out there and what their lives could be like. You don’t ever think about that kind of thing?”
I shrug. “Most of the time, I’m thinking about how I’m going to pay my bills.”
“And that is why I need you in my life. You keep me grounded.”
“I know you’re not ‘Go to Mars’ rich, but if you had the chance, would you?”
He laughs. “In your hypothetical scenario, it would greatly depend on my family situation at the time. If I didn’t have one, sure. I’d be all for it. But if I had a family, no. I’m not going to take those kinds of risks when I have children.” He takes a beat. “And when I’m CEO, I’m ending all of West Media’s illegal activities. No more crime. No more people getting shot at under my watch. It’ll piss off some people, I’m sure. But I’m not putting me, you, or our kids in danger.” He says it with such a tone that I’m compelled to ask follow-ups.
“Are you mad at your dad for that? I don’t mean how he blackmailed you into working with Moss because, duh, of course, you’re mad about that. But I mean before all this crap started.”
His mood shifts as he nods. “As far as I’m concerned, it is only dumb luck that has kept me, Mom, and Cole safe all these years. The fact that Andre kidnapped you … ” He huffs out a steamy breath. “It is a miracle that never happened to Dad’s family over the years, considering all the shit he’s up to. He has kept us in perpetual danger since before I was born. I will not be doing that to my kids or my wife.”
“Huh.” I stare up at the stars.
“It’s just … I never thought about it before, but I guess it makes sense that our kids could be in danger from all of that. We will have to button up whatever Elliot has going on before we can actually think about children.”
He nods. “I know it’s the job of every generation to clean up the mess from the one before, but I feel I have more to clean up than most. And I don’t even know the extent of Dad’s crimes, so it’ll take time. But it will be worth it when I hold my child.”
I smile at him. Can’t help it. “You’re really into this idea, aren’t you?”
“If I had my druthers, you’d be pregnant already.”
“Oh really?”
Another nod. “But I’m not going to be reckless like him. I’m going to do it right and ensure my family’s safety before they come into the world.”
I give his hand a squeeze. “We will ensure their safety. You’re not alone in this.”
He rolls onto his side, smiling. “And I won’t forget that.” He kisses me. Just a peck, but it’s nice.
Except, “Your lips are freezing. We should get you back inside?—"
“No. A little longer out here.”
“Okay, but if you get sick and ruin our vacation, you’ll owe me a new one.”
He smiles. “Deal.”
We lie back and watch the stars in silence for a while. It’s such a relief not to hear anyone or anything but ourselves and the forest. No airplanes, no cars, no people. No cops. It’s funny how the stressors of the day slip away into nothingness when you can let them.
“See that constellation there? The five bright stars, kind of makes a pentagon?” I ask.