Page 57 of Winning Bid
“You're sure those are the files Andre wanted?” she asks.
The woman nods. “Everything on the board, including their nastier proclivities. You've got your work cut out for you.”
June smiles and shrugs. “Just following orders.” She gets up and leaves.
I'm not sure what to think. “Am I supposed to believe that was something nefarious?”
“That was for the Wilco Casino. I am on that board. If she was not up to something nefarious, then why is she collecting information on everything that I have my fingers in?”
I don’t want to admit that he had a point. June and my father have been adversaries since before we got together. This does not look good. “I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for this.” But even as the words come out of my mouth, I'm having a hard time believing them. I had woken up feeling like I was standing just over quicksand, and now, there's no solid ground. What in the hell is June up to?
“Lucky for us, I am not as naive as you are. I also retain spies in my enemies’ quarters. This … issue has not gone unnoticed. June is known to be associated with us, and thus, when she goes around asking questions and prying into things she ought not, it weakens us in the eyes of our enemies. Given your precarious legal situation, do you think we can afford to look weak right now?”
My stomach flips at the thought. None of this makes any sense. My voice goes hoarse. “Of course not.”
“Your woman is a traitor, and she is using you to destroy me. I don't know for how long this has been going on. Perhaps she took the job with Andre innocently enough. Though I doubt it. Considering he had kidnapped her and allegedly terrified her, I have to think that she took the job knowing that there was something else going on, A deeper game. Or perhaps during the alleged kidnapping, he turned her against us. Who can say, other than them?”
This is wrong. I know that it's wrong. There is no way that she has been playing spy since then. “She's not … that's not who she is.”
“I'm sure plenty of people would love to believe that the person that they love is being genuine with them. That's how a honey trap works.”
“No way. No fucking way.”
“Think about it, Anderson. The woman that you've had a crush on for years just happens to be at a sex auction the night that you're there? And she somehow falls head over heels in love with you in a matter of, what? Days? Weeks? Then, somehow, she gets kidnapped from one of the most secure buildings in all of Boston. But she's returned to you unharmed. You two play your little dating game. She breaks up with you. And the night that you happen to be following her, she happens to be attacked by an investment banker. As if investment bankers aren't the perfect people to have on the inside of a bank.”
I'm shaking. I'm so angry. “What are you saying?”
“Neil had access to all kinds of information. What better way to cut an asset loose than to have it taken out by your enemy? Certainly makes it easier to pin the murder on you when she tricked you into doing it.”
I slam my fist on his desk. It's either going there or his face. “I fucking saw what I fucking saw. He attacked her.”
“And if you thought you were fighting for your life, wouldn't you attack the person threatening you?”
“It wasn't like that. It was pervy and sexual and gross.”
Dad lifts his shoulder. “Perhaps those were the sex games that they played. You'll never know now. Tell me, Anderson, does she like it rough?”
She does, but that's not the point. “That's immaterial.”
He laughs. “I believe a jury will say otherwise, as will a judge. Son, face reality. She has played you from day one. I don't know how long this plan has been in action. It truly could have started at any point. Andre plays the long game. And June has been his best tool. I need you to understand that. You are in danger from this woman. This company is in danger from this woman.”
I don’t want to believe anything he says. The picture he paints is too ugly. But. I also know this kind of thing happens in corporate life. But I just can't … fuck, I can't breathe. “What are you saying?”
“I'm saying that you are never to see that woman again. Kick her out of your home today. Go no-contact because I don’t trust you to not fall for her bullshit again. Do it for yourself. For your family. For this company. Show me you're not a traitor, too.”
“I'm no fucking traitor.”
“Prove your loyalty. Be done with her. Save yourself. Before it's too late.”
“Meet me at the Chamberlain Museum at six.”
That is all I put in the text. It’s where we reconnected after so many years apart. Where I bought a night with June. The night that started my downfall, according to my father. But even with the evidence stacked against her, I can’t help but think of it as the night I finally found what I was made for.