Page 75 of Winning Bid
He growls, “I want the evidence.”
“Not happening.”
“I will not take a deal where I am not in control of the evidence.”
I shrug. “Then I guess this discussion is over.”
“I will prosecute.”
Smiling, I looked down my nose at him. “Press charges and your whole world will end. Fraud, kidnapping, extortion. And that’s the minor stuff. In this folder is some unsavory nastiness I didn't have the imagination to conjure. I never would have thought of using spiked clothes pins on those parts of the human body.”
That makes him flinch. Finally. “You can't prove anything.”
“You're right. I can't. But pictures are worth a thousand words—and maybe a thousand years in prison, given all the charges you could face. You're a smart man, Andre. I'm shocked you were dumb enough to take trophies. Even if you were to press charges against us, I’m pretty sure June and I will be out of the big house long before you.”
The glistening sweat on his brow makes all of this stress worth it. “How do I know you won't use the evidence against me?”
“Well, like any other deal, this one requires a little bit of faith on both our parts. I don't exactly savor the thought of spending any time in prison. And if June were ever to find her way behind bars, I might lose my mind. So you have that over us. We have this folder over you. If I or June is ever brought up on charges, this kill file will be automatically released to the press and law enforcement. Considering what you've been doing overseas, Interpol would also be extremely interested in what I know. So, I would say that you have a vested interest in ensuring I am never brought up on charges. And neither is June.”
“All this to save your father's failing empire? What a loyal boy you are.”
I laugh. “Coming after my father is the same as coming after my inheritance. Loyalty has nothing to do with it.”
“You're more ruthless than I thought. You've done something today that few men ever have.”
“What's that? Impressed you?”
“Pissed me off.” He sips his water. “But I do appreciate ruthlessness. Even when it's aimed at me. You have a bargain.”
“I thought I might.” I pull out another document from the folder. “This agreement stipulates that neither one of us will go forward with the information that we have. Obviously, it's not legally binding. But given our circumstances aren't exactly legal, there are detailed notes about how the other will be destroyed if one of us fails to live up to the deal. Sign it.”
Like anyone with a mind for the law, he takes time to read the document. But then he signs it, passing the signature page to me along with his pen. I sign as well. Andre shakes his head, smiling. “What I wouldn't give to be twenty years younger right about now.”
June mentioned that he goes off on side tangents in the weirdest ways, but I still didn’t see that one coming. “Oh? Why is that?”
“I would have loved to have gone head to head against you instead of your father. You, I find interesting.”
“Do yourself a favor and don't find me at all. That would be a costly mistake.”
He smiles at my threat. “Be seeing you, Anderson West.”
I take the contract and leave, knowing Andre Moeller won’t be a problem again. At least for now.
When Anderson comes home, he has a few shopping bags with him and a big smile. “Hi honey, I'm home.”
I roll my eyes and kiss him. “What's all that?”
“I felt like celebrating because Andre signed our mutually assured destruction contract.”
All the tension that had animated my body flows out of me. It's so sudden that I wobble on my feet. “And you couldn't text me? I've been waiting here for hours?—"
He cuts me off with another kiss. “Considering that we are blackmailing one of the most high-profile people in the city, I decided that texting might be a little dangerous. And I wanted to see your face when I told you, so that's why I didn't call.”
“Okay, well, I'm thrilled, and I'm curious to know what's in your bags.”