Page 20 of A Forever Love
“Why not hand it over to me, kiddo?” Uncle Connor, who’s been quiet since we stepped outside, holds his hand out.
“How about I crack open a second one for you?” And with the same finesse, I open four beer bottles. Holy crap! I’d have let out a little squeal and maybe even danced for this once-in-a-lifetime feat if I wasn’t trying to make a good impression on these men. I press my lips together to stifle my grin.
“Are you really going to stay silent?” Uncle Gavin tilts his head toward Dad, his arms crossed. When I was a kid, his stance used to intimidate me, but now I know he has the softest heart.
Dad shrugs, having come to terms over the years that I’m no longer a child. “She’s twenty-one. An occasional beer won’t hurt. Only one, though.” He raises an eyebrow, and I promptly agree.
As I’m about to take a sip, Uncle Lukas’ lips tighten, and he shakes his head. “I’m dreading the day Spring opens a beer bottle for me. I might faint. You should have given us a heads-up, Keith. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that Mere, who used to beg me to make her flower necklaces or ask me to read her fantasy novels about dragons, is all grown up now. Does this mean we’re getting old?”
My laughter breaks free as these men, the finest Navy SEALs and most dangerous bodyguards, pout. “You guys are too cute.” Regaining a semblance of composure, I continue. “Don’t worry, I haven’t turned into an alcoholic. I don’t even like the taste of beer.” I hand my bottle to Dad. “I’ve just missed your protectiveness and care.”
“We all missed you too, kiddo, and will continue to miss you when you’re in Cherrywood,” Uncle Connor replies.
“I’ll be back during vacations and even on the weekends. It won’t take another four years to come back home this time. I promise.”
“I’m truly glad to hear that, honey.” Dad draws me in, and I wrap my arms around his waist.
“And welcome home.” Uncle Gavin and Uncle Lukas produce matching teal envelopes from their pockets.
“Why do you always gift me money?” Curiosity gets the best of me. “I know even if you don’t like shopping, you’d do it for me.”
It’s Uncle Gavin who sweeps a hand over his jaw, grazing his light stubble. “Carter told me years ago that you’d prefer book money over anything else. Was he wrong?”
Uncle Lukas confirms with a nod. “Same here.”
“Me too.” Uncle Connor gives me that look, the one he wears when trying to unravel a complex puzzle.
“So, Carter is the reason why my house is brimming with books and Merida’s room looks like a miniature library.” Dad’s statement is still hanging in the air when Uncle Lukas jerks his head.
“Need something different, Mere? I can arrange a pass to one of Cherrywood’s finest spas through Autumn. She claims it’s pure bliss.”
“Yeah. Just name it, kiddo. Birdie’s also game for getting you something from her favorite cosmetics line, which seems to be all the rage among your generation.”
Before Uncle Gavin can jump in, I hold my hand up in the air.
“While I’m truly impressed by your knowledge of spas and cosmetic lines, have you forgotten who I am? Would I ever trade books for anything?”
After a moment, they all nod, seemingly convinced. Throughout the party, I can’t shake off the niggling thought that one of the most beautiful things in my life, my passion for books, wasn’t just started by Carter but that he’s the one who has infused it with life.
Is there even a part of me that is solely mine, unclaimed by him?
“Can we come in, Mere?” Autumn peeks her head into my room.
I look up from where I’m untying my heels. After toeing off the shoes, I walk over to the door and open it wider to find Minnie, Autumn, Birdie, and Clem waiting.
“I thought the party was over.” I raise an eyebrow as the girls start streaming into my bedroom.
“How can a party be complete without gifts?” Birdie grins. She’s the latest addition to this group, but once she decides you’re going to be a part of her life, there’s no questioning it. Uncle Connor is a prime example of this. If anyone could win him over, it was definitely her.
“You do realize I’ve already received more money than my monthly salary from your men, right?”
“That’s their business. This is ours.” Minnie smiles, presenting me a box swathed in purple gift paper with a grand blue satin bow on top. “Open it.”
As the paper falls away, my breath catches. “This is so beautiful, Minnie.” My fingers trace the glass frame of a group photograph from Uncle Connor’s engagement party. Birdie is perched on his lap, her lips near his ear while he wears the brightest smile. His eyes crease in happiness, the photo capturing a sight I’ve never seen before. My gaze slides to Carter, who’s dressed in a tux, his arm casually draped over my shoulders. I’m angled toward him with my eyes fixed on his face rather than the camera.