Page 52 of A Forever Love
Before I can reply or give Sandra a nod, Hades, who’s been quiet for a while, clears his throat.
“Are you saying you’re together?” His eyes narrow on us.
“Oh, Shawn, can’t you see by the way they look at each other? They aren’t just together. They’re deeply in love,” Sandra exclaims.
My heart twists, and a burning sensation intensifies in my chest because Sandra’s words are true. Like Merida said, we’ve always been each other’s person, and I’ve always loved her.
Probably not in the way Sandra expects.
Probably? Fuck.
She’s Keith’s daughter, you asshole.
I quickly correct my hazed brain. Definitely not in the way Sandra expects.
“It was nice running into you, Carter.” Jason shakes my hand once again before he and his wife turn to my fake girlfriend, who’s still dangling on my arm like she can’t get enough of me.
“I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone. You’ll be at the gala this weekend, right?” Sandra asks Merida, who nods enthusiastically as if she can’t wait to see Sandra again.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Once the Gibsons leave, with Shawn trailing behind them, stomping his feet, I look down at our interlocked arms. “What did you just do?”
“I saved your ass, wolf.” Merida looks at me in confusion before stepping back, and like a sick fuck, I feel the sudden loss of warmth.
“This is no joke, Mere.” Words laced with irritation spill from my mouth before I can hold them back. She shouldn’t be the recipient of my agitation, but God if I can help myself. I hate how good she felt against me, and I hate that she made me aware of this, as if I’m not already struggling to keep my feelings in check. “Why would you even act like that?”
I observe the change in her demeanor before fully registering it. Merida’s raised chin lowers, along with her gaze. Her open arms fold tightly across her chest, her hands clenched into fists. Pain claims her face, a new expression I’ve only started to notice this past week. The first time she stumbled upon me in the shower, tears welled in her eyes, but what struck me most was the blend of guilt, embarrassment, and some unidentifiable emotion. Right now, she looks at me exactly the same way, albeit without tears, yet her fiery eyes convey the same story. Whatever that might be.
My eyes shift downward, catching sight of the heart-shaped locket resting against her white sweater, hanging from a delicate gold chain. I had it custom made for her sixteenth birthday. I’m not sure if she still keeps it the same way, but inside that locket, one side held a photograph of Keith and Clem, while the other side featured one of hers. The following day, she and I went to the jeweler together for a modification because she insisted her photo be replaced with one of ours.
“I’m sorry, Mere.” On reflex, I grab her hand, not wanting her to run away like the last time. “I’m so fucking grateful. You absolutely saved my ass. But I’m more worried about what will happen this weekend. I had planned to hire someone—”
“Like an escort?” Her voice rises sharply, drawing the attention of a young mother pushing a stroller as we stand on the sidewalk.
My plan was perfect, I remind myself and ignore the prick I feel under the soft silk collar of my Ralph Lauren shirt. “Something along those lines. I just needed someone for one night. Take them to the event, and after I’ve won the award, I can tell everyone we broke up.”
“You mean after you’ve had sex?” Merida arches her eyebrow, and the telltale sign of anger makes an appearance as her nose turns red.
“Do you really think I’d have to pay for sex?” My teeth grind on impulse.
Her eyes widen to a concerning degree for a second before she schools her features. “Wow, your self-confidence is scary.”
“And your stupidity is baffling, mittens.”
She stomps her feet, marching toward her Fiat, and in the process, making me realize how big of an asshole I’ve been. She lied for me today, something she absolutely hates.
“Mere, wait.” I place a hand on the driver’s door, halting her from getting inside the car.
She shivers, making me acutely aware of the minimal space between us as I crowd her from behind. I hold onto the sensation for later, not letting guilt be replaced by any other emotion. “I promised to take you, right?” I tilt my head toward my car when she looks at me over her shoulder.
She avoids eye contact and shifts her handbag from one shoulder to the other. “I have no interest in spending time with someone who thinks I’m stupid.”
“You know I didn’t mean it.” I gently place a finger under her chin, guiding her gaze back to my face. “I’m sorry. I know it possibly sounds juvenile, but I’m looking forward to that fucking award, reaching a level that no other CEO, not even Uncle Connor, has achieved. And I want it so badly that I didn’t hesitate to plan on hiring someone and fooling a bunch of people.”
Merida turns around slowly, placing her hand over my tightly clenched fist, making me aware of the tension. “Never apologize for dreaming big. That’s something you used to tell me all the time. Practice what you preach, King.” She nudges her shoulder against mine, and as always, fixes my mood with her words. “By the way, those people are insane. Who the hell judges a CEO’s ability based on whether he has a girlfriend or not? Are they running a security committee or a matchmaking service?”
“You should have been there when Jason first mentioned my nonexistent dating life. You could have set him straight on the spot, and I wouldn’t have had to lie.” I shake my head. “But why did you go along with it? Not that I’m not grateful.” I raise my hands.