Page 83 of A Forever Love
“Who else? The birthday girl. Am I right?” His wife, Minnie, settles next to him with two glasses of wine and, without waiting for my reply, adds, “Merida is in the garden. She’s with someone special.”
An invisible noose tightens around my chest. “Special? What the heck does that mean?” I spit the words out.
“Keith believes there’s something between Mere and her friend Brandon,” Minnie explains with a smile. “And he’s determined to play it cool. Sending them for a walk in the garden was entirely his idea.”
“And you’re okay with her being alone with him?” I ask my uncle, feeling an uncomfortable sensation clawing at my chest, desperate to be set free.
“It’s not just Keith who’s promised to be cool.” Minnie motions toward Uncle Gavin, biting her lower lip to conceal her smile.
“I’m telling you right now, Mouse, I’d never make such a ridiculous promise for my daughter. I’d tear a guy’s throat out if anyone ever dared to think about dating my princess.”
“Daddy, are you okay?” Watching her father’s outburst, Adrianna abandons her toys and approaches us.
I gently pat my cousin’s head, not waiting for her dad’s response, and stride out of the house.
I made no such fucking promise.
My footsteps gradually slow as I approach the garden. Their soft voices persist, indicating that they’re oblivious to my presence. I’d never eavesdrop on Mere, but Brandon’s voice reaches my ears anyway.
“So, Keith thinks we’re an item now? What’s next, a marriage proposal sent to my house?”
“Hey, don’t make fun of my dad! He’s trying to act cool, even though I know all he really wants is for me to come home right now.”
Yes, that’s precisely why I’m here too, baby.
I step out of the shadows, my gaze shifting from Brandon to Mere. Her face pales, carrying a hint of guilt that I absolutely despise. I never want her to doubt herself or her choices because of me.
“I heard you were here with your boyfriend,” I say with a slow, playful tone—or at least I hope it comes across that way.
“Dad can be so funny sometimes,” Mere replies with a hesitant smile, as if still gauging my mood.
Taking another step forward, I effectively bring her closer to me than Brandon. “Enjoy it while you can, mittens. Your dad isn’t one to drop his protective shield easily, especially when it comes to you.”
A real smile plays on Merida’s lips, which falters briefly when Brandon clears his throat.
“Well, I believe I might be an exception to that rule. Keith and I have formed a close bond the last four years.”
Of course, I didn’t expect anything less from Brandon, throwing it in my face that there was a time Merida was closer to him than me.
“Brandon,” I say. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you on our premises.”
“Carter.” He nods. “If I remember correctly, the last time I was here, you threatened me.”
“What?” Mere’s head flips toward me. “You threatened Brandon? When? And why did I not know about this?”
“It was the day before prom, and I wouldn’t exactly call it a threat. More of a warning.” And I’m not sure if he heeded it, considering Merida left town shortly after.
Brandon doesn’t grace me with a reply; instead, he shifts his attention to Mere. “I should head out now. Happy birthday.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay for dinner and cake?”
“I can’t, sorry. I promised Mom I’d have dinner at home.” Brandon hugs Merida, and a burning sensation intensifies in my chest. No matter how much I try to deny it, there’s a closeness between them. I once again question my theory of him being responsible for Merida leaving four years ago.
“Your gift will be waiting for you at the office tomorrow.”
Brandon grins, and I take a moment to see him in a new light. He’s no longer the lanky teenager I once threatened. Keith would likely approve of him. Probably more than he would of me.
Brandon gives me a formal nod and leaves.