Page 130 of Imperfect Match
“Then I’ll be dangling on your arm like a dutiful wife.” She bats her lashes, and the grin that lights up her face hits straight into my heart.
“Dutiful? Do you even know the meaning of that word, my dear wife?” My fingers stroke her flushed cheeks. How did I survive all these years without this? “But, in any case, I can’t wait to be the hanger from which you dangle.”
This time her laughter is out of control. She throws her head back, and the sound, the laugh lines on her face and the way it makes me feel…I already want a repeat of it all.
“What are you planning to do today?” I ask when she’s finally recovered from her giggling fit.
Everything about this moment is so domestic and so mundane, yet I’ve never been more calm.
“I’m going for a spa day with my friends. We’ll drink wine, eat too much sugar, and talk about boys.”
“Should I be worried?” I lean in, stroking the soft skin of her neck and shoulders with my nose, breathing in the floral scent of her body wash.
“You’re the only boy on my mind these days.”
I’ll have to work extra hard to be the only boy on her mind all the time.
“What about you? What’s your plan for the day?”
“I’ll go to Elixir. I’m sure I’ll find at least Alex working, if not all of them, even on a Sunday.”
I tap lightly on Alex’s office door. The deep furrows on his forehead remain as he glances up from his computer.
“Rough start to your weekend?” I settle into the chair across from him.
“Not everyone is living on the Sunshine Street these days.”
“Thanks for the warm welcome, brother.”
“Sorry.” He sighs. “Just a bit on edge.”
“What happened? I thought your Sunday skydiving sessions were supposed to be meditative and peaceful,” I say carefully, testing the waters.
But his jaw tightens, confirming my suspicions. My lips struggle to twitch, but I keep them flat. My sister must have made her appearance at the field.
“Everything is fine. You don’t have to worry.”
And before I can probe deeper into Alex’s hollow response, the door swings open and Ray and Archer stride inside.
“Why can’t we find another piece of land?” Archer’s voice is tight with frustration, as if he’s been having this conversation with Ray for some time.
“Because the one we have now is perfect,” Ray replies in a relaxed, laid-back tone.
“We don’t have anything. I told you they’re not selling. What will you do now? Kill them?” Archer’s tone is sharp.
“I don’t need to kill anyone. I’m a businessman. I negotiate.”
“What’s going on?” I ask as Ray and Archer settle on the corner couch, finally finding a gap between their rapid fire.
“Do you remember the land I picked for the next Elixir hotel?” Ray prompts, and I nod. “Well, someone in the owner’s family is having last-minute cold feet.”
“Why? Are we not paying to their expectations?”
Ray shakes his head at my question. “They’d prefer to expand the family inn on the same land.”
“Is the inn competition for Elixir?” I lean forward, raising a brow.
“Nah. We don’t do cute and cozy. But they’re definitely throwing a wrench into our plans. I should—”